
Desktop notifications for Mountain Lion via puppet

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

OS X Notify

Build Status

This module brings one resource type that let you send notifications to the Notification Center in Mac OS X Mountain Lion.

osx_notify uses the cli created by Eloy Durán https://github.com/alloy/terminal-notifier

Usage example

include osx_notify

osx_notify { 'sublime_notify':
  subject     => 'New Application',
  message     => 'Sublime2 has been installed to your machine!',
  refreshonly => true

package { 'Sublime2':
  ensure   => installed,
  provider => appdmg,
  source   => 'http://apps.example.com/sublime.dmg',
  notify   => Osx_notify['sublime_notify']

Send notifications on schedule

include osx_notify

schedule { 'cake_schedule':
  range   => '12:00 - 13:00',
  weekday => 'Friday',

osx_notify { 'cake_notice':
  subject     => 'Cake',
  message     => "There's cake in the cafeteria, grab some!",
  refreshonly => false,
  url         => 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cake',
  schedule    => 'cake_schedule',

This is how it looks:

Example image