
PTB paradigm for evidence integration experiments

Primary LanguageMATLAB

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The two most important and only functions you actively need to run are:\
1) create_stimuli.m \
2) rdk_continous_motion.m \
create_stimuli.m \
This functions creates as it says in the name the stimuli for one session. It requires the csv file with all parameters. Furthermore, you can define here the sequence of different blocks in continuous stimuli and whether you want long or short integration windows for discrete trials. It also allows you order the coherences levels in discrete trials from high to low. This function will always have to open a PTB screen for a short second to inquire some information about pixels/flipinterval and so on. Therefore, it is important that stimuli are created on the same computer on which the task will be displayed. \
rdk_continous_moution.m \
This function loads the stimulus you just created. Just give it subject id and session number and define whether you want to see the reward bar and training cross or not. \
To set it up: \
- make sure all functions and csv file are in same folder\
- change root directories in both functions above \'91create_stimuli.m\'92 and rdk_continous\'94motion.m\
- in present_rdk.m and discrete_rdk_trials_trianing.m change device_number(2) to device_number(1)\
Response is with L and A button \