A wireless poultry light sunrise sunset dimmer with temp and humidity sensors for Arduino
- Arduino UNO
- T5 light source for example 2x28W http://biltema.se/sv/Bygg/Belysning-och-lampor/Belysning-inomhus/Lysrorsarmatur-T5-IP65-D-Markt-44790/
- HF dimmable ballast e.g OSRAM 2 x 28w 54w T5 DIMMABLE HF BALLAST 1-10v DIMMABLE QTi 2x28/54 DIM
- Onewire temp sensor or any temp sensor i use https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11050
- HUM sensor i use https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9569
- Wireless i use the WiFLY shield https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9954 (but the library is not that good)
- an OPAMP circut to convert arudiono PWMM analog out from 5v to 0-10V that is needed to the Ballast.
- A good 250V relay circut. e.g https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11042 Warning you need to know what your are doing! I separated the relay from the breadbord for some extra safety.
- A push button switch
- Connection cabels
- 12V powersource to the Arduino.