
Bachelor Thesis AUGIS Backup

Primary LanguagePython


In this repository we want to store everything we use for our "Project 2" and "Bachelor Thesis".


All information and documents are stored in BFH SharePoint. Sharepoint --> https://bernerfachhochschule-my.sharepoint.com/personal/haldj4_bfh_ch/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx


Inside the exploration folder you can store everything you discovered.


The route generator app is online available at --> https://project-augis.ch/

To start the AUGIS-Tour visit --> https://project-augis.ch/pages/drive.html

If you want to build the website on your local machine:

  1. Navigate to the website folder
  2. Run npm install to install all needed packages
  3. Run npm run dev to build the css file
  4. Open the website in your browser

You need to build the css because the project use scss files.
The new generated css file is located inside the dist folder.


To save the generated routes there is a database available:


DB-Host: lx19.hoststar.hosting DB-Name: ch299816_augis Username: *** Password: ***


With the IOS App you can calculate distance and the direction between two coordinates. The Apps will be used as a sensor-block. It will read the gps and the heading data. These information will be published on the mqtt broker.

To run the app you must have a Mac and Xcode installed.

GPS Python

Inside this miniproject you can find the same logic as in the IOS App but in python

If you want to run it on your local machine you should use the following command:

python3 main.py

MQTT Broker

To create a connection between the AUGIS and other software we use Websocket. If you want to exchange messages or send commands, you need a MQTT Broker.

Our selfhosted broker is available at:


MQTT Client

if you want to use the broker from the mqtt-explorer you have to configure the explorer like this:

MQTT-Expolere Configuration


Here is a list of topics we need to control the AUGIS

GPS Coordinates of AUGIS    ==>     augis/items/sensors/gps/coordinates
GPS Direction               ==>     augis/items/calculations/gps/direction
GPS Distance                ==>     augis/items/calculations/gps/distance
GPS Speed                   ==>     augis/items/calculations/gps/speed
Direction of AUGIS          ==>     augis/items/sensors/direction/degrees
Activity Status of AUGIS    ==>     augis/items/boat/active
Start Command               ==>     augis/command/start
Finish Command              ==>     augis/command/end
Change to RemoteControl     ==>     augis/command/remote


The API of the project is running on AWS. The API is a simple severless express nodejs project.


"aws-serverless-express": "^3.4.0",
"bcryptjs": "^2.4.3",
"cors": "^2.8.5",
"dotenv": "^8.2.0",
"express": "^4.17.1",
"fs": "0.0.1-security",
"jsonwebtoken": "^8.5.1",
"mysql": "^2.18.1"


To create a connection to the database you have to create a config file like this:

    "user": "db-username",
    "host": "db-server",
    "password": "db-user-password",
    "database": "db-table-name"


To install all the packages for the api just type:

npm install 

To deploy the backend you can inside the api folder just type:

serverless deploy