
Notes about specific FPGAs


My notes about specific FPGAs

Kria K26 SOM on Robotics Starter Kit Carrier Card

The KR260 Robotics Starter Kit user manual is missing the FPGA to carrier card port mapping. Instead you have to tediously join the schematics and Kria_K26_SOM_Rev1.xdc files. I've done this for you, here it is:



Lattice Semiconductor CrossLink-NX

CrossLink-NX is a 28 nm FPGA with MIPI DPHY capable differential I/O, MIPI DPHY hard macros and PCIe 5G SERDES.

Eval Board

There is a CrossLink-NX Evaluation Board, but be warned:

The boards currently in stock at Mouser have the -ES2 (engineering sample) versions of LIFCL-40. These chips require you to use Radiant Programmer version 2.2. Newer versions will not work!


There are some difficulties with programming CrossLink-NX:

  1. Avoid cascading CrossLink-NXs in a JTAG chain: I had no luck getting this to work (Radiant Programmer would not discover the devices during scanning). But this is not a known problem to Lattice, so it's possible there is something wrong with our custom board.

  2. I could not program devices that were already configured. You need to provide a falling edge on nProgram to force the FPGA to be unconfigured. Note that it needs to be an edge- you can not reliably do it by tying nProgram low. Another option, in case you have no access to nProgram, is to prevent the FPGA from being configured by shorting MISO on the SPI-flash device until the FPGA gives up trying to configure itself.

Older Lattice FPGAs would always show up in the scan chain, but you would not be able to program the attached SPI-flash if the interface was used by your FPGA design. For those, it was enough to configure the FPGA with an image which did not use the SPI-flash interface, and then proceed with the SPI-flash background programming. With Crosslink-NX, something else is going on, maybe having to do with fuse bits.


There are DDR I/O cells, such as ODDRX1 and IDDRX1. These cells have a parameter called GSR, which is "ENABLED" by default. This is bad since the globel reset net may not be what you think it is in the chip (it's randomly decided which reset net will use the global reset net). Anyway, just set GSR to "DISABLED" unless you are sure.


The DPHY hard macros are from a company called MIXEL. The Crosslink-NX DPHY hard macros are different from the ones used in CrossLink.

You may use the DPHY hard macros for free (without paying for additional Lattice IP), but it's difficult:

  1. The raw hard macros can be found in the Radiant IP catalog in Module / IO / MIPI_DPHY.

  2. I had difficulty when using macros from Radiant 3.1, the FPGA would not configure. Radiant 3.0 was OK. Maybe something to do with delaying the exit of configuration until PLLs are locked, or something like that.

  3. The manual for these macros is here:


The manual is totally incomplete. In addition, the signal names don't match the IP catalog wrapper names or the MIXEL signal names. Maybe this is due to licensing issues with MIXEL or maybe they are encouraging you to use the non-free Lattice IP.

  1. The generated wrapper exposes only a fraction of the MIXEL core's signals:

On the MIPI receiver:

The generated Verilog IP wrapper does not give the divided MIPI clock. But it's available if you modify the wrapper: look for "int_clk": this is the divided clock from the MIPI clock which will be running if the MIPI clock is running. The "byte_clk" only runs when the the MIPI data pins are in high-speed mode.

On the MIPI transmitter:

The transmitter is always in discontinuous clock mode, no matter what the setting says in the GUI. I think this is a code mistake in the generated wrapper code.

Look for .UCTXREQH(hs_tx_data_en_i) and change it to .UCTXREQH(hs_tx_en_i). This way, the MIPI clock will run when hs_tx_en_i is high (and not only when you are transmitting data).

Signaling protocol

The manual is incomplete, but you can figure out the signaling protocol through simulation. Here is a timing diagram to save you some time:

CrossLink-NX DPHY Signals

This is a MIPI link with two lanes with a Lattice/MIXEL transmitter feeding a Lattice/MIXEL receiver.

To enter high speed mode and start transmitting, raise hs_tx_data_en_i and place the first word of data on hs_tx_data_i. Eventually hs_tx_cil_ready_o will go high. The data on hs_tx_data_i is transmitted on every cycle that hs_tx_cil_ready_o is high. When you want to return to LP mode, lower hs_tx_data_en_i.

Note that the hard macro automatically prepends the DPHY sync code, the 0xB8 (you can see it serialized on the MIPI data lines, dsi_p- remember LSB first).

When the receiver sees HS mode, byte_clk starts to oscillate. When the sync code is detected, hs_rx_data_sync_o is pulsed for one cycle. The data begins on the following cycle. Note that the 0xB8 was stripped.

Timing closure

Radiant (at least up through 3.1) has no notion of any timing requirements between the hard macro signals and the FPGA core. The signals will not be constrained, and you will have hold-time problems. The tool will not include these signals in the unconstrained path report.

So here's what I did: I added a stage of hand-placed flip-flops between my FPGA code and the hard-macro. I located these right on the edge of the chip so that the router has few choices.

CrossLink-NX DPHY Placement

The DPHY macros are along the top edge (the tiny vertical stacks of orange blocks are the pins, one stack for each of the two macros). The larger orange blocks are the hand-placed ring of flip flops.

This works, but is not very satisfying. Since Radiant doesn't know the timing requirements, I have no way to know if this is the ideal placement for these flip flops.

PCI Express

Crosslink-NX includes a high speed 5G SERDES dedicated to PCI Express. I had a desire to transfer video between two Crosslink-NX devices using this interface, here are my notes:

  1. Clocking

The transceivers need a reference clock. For PCIe, it's supposed to be a 100 MHz common clock between both ends (mesochronous), but I suspect the transceiver will work even if they are not from the same source (plesiochronous), but I have not proved this.

In any case, the reference clock needs PPM stability and the clock recovery works only over an extremely narrow range. So you can not, for example, transfer the pixel clock from one side to the other by feeding it as the reference clock on the transmit side.

BTW, the CrossLink-NX evaluation board does not have 100 MHz oscillators for this, you need to use an external board (for example, a PCIe reference clock generator board such as Si52144-EVB).

  1. TLP interface

You can send arbitrary data from one side to the other using the TLP interface. The configuration space registers need to be first set up, then memory write transactions are forwarded through.

Here are config register settings:

end point config registers:

   4 <- 7   Enable memory, io, bus mastering

  10  <-   30000   Set BAR0 to 30000

Here is an example TLP packet:

>pci mem wr 30000000 55aaaa55
MEM addr = 30000000 data = 55aaaa55
  1. Root Complex Mode, Broken?

The above works with both ends set in End Point mode. Normally one end should be Root Complex mode, and there should be a PCI enumeration process to set up the BARs. However I suspect that there is something wrong with the End Point to Root Complex direction of the link (even though link up status is correct):

  1. Configuration reads from root to endpoint don't return their completions

  2. Completions from Type 1 configuration writes issued on the Root Complex are lost (but the configuration to the end point's register does happen).

  3. Memory writes from endpoint to root complex are lost