Here is the signature verification code extracted from the Chrome OS verified boot system "vboot". This is small convenient source code for adding RSA-based signature verification to an embedded system. For example, this code could be used to verify signed firmware update against an embedded public key before allowing the update to proceed.
The RSA and SHA256 routines work well on small ARM microcontrollers. For example it's used in the embedded controller ("EC") found in Chromebooks:
(The EC is an interesting project all on its own. It has a small multi-tasking OS built-in).
First, get and build the Chrome OS vboot code for its "futility" utility and compile it for Linux. You can get it here:
Build it as follows:
gunzip <vboot-master.tar.gz | tar -xf -
cd _vboot_reference
cd ..
Next, build the signature verification code here, just type:
Main.c is an example of how to use the code. A signature and public key are included in main.c. In your case, you would put this code into your own bootloader. Verify the example signature like this:
./verify test/data
Signature matches!
Here is the procedure to sign your own data:
Create a private key "key.pem", don't share this:
cd test
openssl genrsa -F4 -out key.pem 2048
Create key pair from .pem in "vb21_struct.h" format:
../_vboot_reference/build/futility/futility create key.pem
this generates: key.vbprik2 and key.vbpubk2
Don't share key.vbprik2. The public key "key.vbpubk2" needs to be included with your code.
Sign some binary data:
../_vboot_reference/build/futility/futility sign --type rwsig --prikey key.vbprik2 data sig
This generates the signature for "data" in a file "sig". The signature should be transported along with the "data".
You can verify the signature using the public key using like this:
../_vboot_reference/build/futility/futility verify --type rwsig --pubkey key.vbpubk2 -f data sig
You can use xxd to convert "sig" and "key.vbpubk2" into a C literal for inclusion into main.c:
xxd --include sig
xxd --include key.vbpubk2
Note that the vb21_struct.h signature format supports many Chrome-specific file formats as well as more complex key handling. Take a look at "futility sign help". Anyway, the "rwsig" type seems to be the simplest and would cover many microcontroller use cases.