
Python 3 script for plotting coronavirus (COVID-19) cases on a logarithmic scale for selected countries

Primary LanguagePython

Coronavirus Logarithmic Chart (per Country)

Python script for plotting the COVID-19 cases on a logarithmic scale for selected countries.
Pulls and renders data from the Johns Hopkins data repository.
To select countries, edit the population variable.

usage: plot.py [-h] [-d DATASET] [-l] [-pc]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DATASET, --data DATASET
                        dataset (default: confirmed), possible values:
                        confirmed, recovered, deaths
  -l, --linear          use linear scale (default: false)
  -pc, --per-capita     show values per million people (default: false)

Example plot


This script generates a .png file in the same directory. It uses Python 3.7, Pandas and Matplotlib.

Running with pipenv

# Install dependencies 
pipenv install
# Open virtual environment
pipenv shell
# Run the script
python3 plot.py

Running without pipenv

# Install dependencies
pip3 install pandas matplotlib
# Run the script
python3 plot.py

The script is for indicative purposes only and provided "as-is", "with all faults" and "as available". There are no guarantees for the accuracy or timeliness of information generated by this script.