
Ansible playbook to install and run foreman on ubuntu 14.04 trough vagrant

Primary LanguageShell

How to use this

  1. vagrant up
  2. vagrant ssh machine1
  3. cd /vagrant
  4. ansible-playbook playbook.yml . Done Keep in mind this will take some time to run, so please be patient

Access for foreman dashboard

To run on ec2/azure etc

  1. Create ubuntu 16.04 node, (It will not be as easy on an older ubuntu version)
  2. Run "sudo sh install_ansible.sh"
  3. sudo apt-get install git
  4. git clone https://github.com/Modulus/ansible-forman.git
  5. cd into ansible-forman
  6. change inventory folder in ansible.cfg
  7. ansible-playbook playbook.yml

This playbook also install and configures the following

  1. salt-master
  2. salt-minion
  3. salt-api

Verify salt-api:

curl -sSk https://localhost:9191/login
-H 'Accept: application/x-yaml'
-d username=bob
-d password=bob
-d eauth=pam

You should get a return message that looks something like this: return:

  • eauth: pam expire: 1479337165.176836 perms:
    • '@runner'
    • '@wheel'
    • '@jobs'
    • test.* start: 1479293965.176831 token: 6fd812929febdeda24e2731517d01d1f14994137 user: bob

curl -sSk https://localhost:9191
-H 'Accept: application/x-yaml'
-H 'X-Auth-Token: 6fd812929febdeda24e2731517d01d1f14994137'
-d client=local
-d tgt='*'
-d fun=test.ping

check /var/log/salt/master for errors

For generating new password

  1. Make sure you have the "whois" package installed sudo apt-get install whois
  2. Run mkpasswd --method=sha-512
  3. Paste the result into roles/salt/tasks/users.yml


/usr/sbin/upload-salt-reports keeps failing. Python 2.7.11 is needed for this to work This probably means you are running a ubuntu version lower than 16.04

Also you need to change the minion id to the fqdn using sudo salt-cloud -a rename oldname newname=newname You also need to change this in the /etc/salt/minion file....