
Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is this?

CLAPI - Command Line API processor for calling service APIs and inspecting response data.

The intent of this is to create a CLI + GUI interface to services and learn React in the process.


  • Call an API and view in JSON, PRETTY, or Interactive mode
  • Search/Find mode
  • Use the CLAPI result buffer to grep, pipe, or process with custom functions
  • CLI and GUI

Developing a React UI

  • use webpack for
    • build and babel transpilation of es6 and jsx code
    • hot reload changes to the client without page refresh
  • use jsx for react view components
  • basic flux pattern with actions/stores
  • use google material-ui for the look and feel
  • use react router and alt-iso for isomorphic js (server + client rendering)

CLI interface

pretty print

Drill down into JSON service response

clapi buffer

Search mode

find mode


git clone https://github.com/jhanink/clapi.git
cd clapi
npm install -g nodemon
npm install

UI Demo

React UI components plus material-ui theme


Run the React app

# turn MOCKS mode on
# start an auto hot-reload server 
npm start

# open an auto hot-reloading UI
open -a "Google Chrome" http://localhost:3000

Use the CLI

Command line access to API services with output formatting, search, and interactive features

cd to clapi/bin

  # turn MOCKS mode on
  ./get-customer 688ddfc5-181f-46b5-a0e7-8dc139146253        # customerId
  ./get-customer node-1@wm.com                               # email
  ./create-gift-card 100                                     # amount
  ./create-temp-card 688ddfc5-181f-46b5-a0e7-8dc139146253    # customerId
  ./create-cart 688ddfc5-181f-46b5-a0e7-8dc139146253         # customerId
  ./create-cart 688ddfc5-181f-46b5-a0e7-8dc139146253 \
      --EVAL cart.id | pbcopy                                # create cart, copy to clipboard
  ./get-cart 6a6f9ddb-8e95-4083-9efe-d1bbb544d03b            # cartId
  ./clear-cart 6a6f9ddb-8e95-4083-9efe-d1bbb544d03b          # cartId
  ./add-to-cart 989CF1FB215E4C579A273357D8DE5111             # offerId
  ./add-to-cart 9875792                                      # itemId
  ./update-cart-item  `./get-cart --EVAL=items[0].id` 5      # id, quantity   (not USItemId)
  ./delete-cart-item  `./get-cart --EVAL=items[0].id`        # id             (not USItemId)
  ./fetch-inventory-report --NEW                             # fetches the latest report
  ./fetch-inventory-report --EVAL result[0]                  # get first item from cached result
  ./fetch-inventory-report --FUNC printFetchedItems          # print condensed report
  ./get-iro-offers 989CF1FB215E4C579A273357D8DE5111          # get IRO offers by offerId
  ./get-iro-offers 17753319                                  # get IRO offers by USItemId
  ./get-iro-offers --MORE                                    # print cached result
  ./get-iro-offers --EVAL status                             # print IRO status (OK, PARTIAL..)
  ./get-iro-offers --upc 084522601117                        # get IRO offers by upc
  ./get-iro-offers --wupc 0084522601117                      # get IRO offers by wupc
  ./get-receipt 26686011496922631859                         # get receipt data by TC#
  ./create-purchase-contract                                 # create 1hg sample purchase contract

  ./get-purchase-contract \
     53f91076-0f31-4456-b214-74e3741b7d77                    # get purchase contract by id

Set Configs

edit the file ~/clapi-config-override.json or use the config/set-* commands.

cd to clapi/bin/config

  ./set-cid                                                  # set cid for purchase-contract

Options : Display formatting, expression eval, custom functions

  # output modes and options
  ./get-customer                                             # default output
  ./get-custmer --JSON                                       # JSON output
  ./get-customer --JSON | more                               # JSON piped to more
  ./get-customer --LESS                                      # default piped to less
  ./get-customer | grep accountType                          # default, grep for accountType
  # interactive object navigation mode
  ./get-cart -i                                              # list obj props under root node
  ./get-cart -i cart                                         # list obj props under named node
  ./get-cart -i cart --NOCOLOR | pbcopy                      # remove color codes before copy
  ./get-iro-offers -i \
       payload[0].product.productAttributes["has-mercury"]   # use dashes instead of spaces in keys
  # evaluate fixed nodes 
  ./get-customer --EVAL payload.person.customerAccountId     # eval object for a json property 
  ./get-cart --EVAL cart.id                                  # eval object for a json property  
  ./get-cart --EXPR obj.cart.id                              # eval from root object reference
  # call custom functions
  ./get-cart --FUNC printCartItems                           # run a custom function on result

All the above commands save to the CLAPI buffer and can be immediately driven by ./clapi or ./c (alias for ./clapi)


cd to clapi/bin

  # clapi aliases: ./clapi, ./c
  # implicitly save a result to the clapi buffer
  # explicitly save a json file to the clapi buffer
  ./clapi -f=../samples/SAMPLE.json
  # interactive mode against the existing clapi buffer
  ./clapi summary
  # use the ./clapi alias ./c
  ./c summary.shippingCosts
  ./c summary.shippingCosts[0]
  # turn datatype display on
  # turn datatype display off
  # clapi find aliases: ./cf, ./find, ./f

  # find all matches by property name (deep search)
  # using starts-with + case-insensitive matching 
  ./cf isAssociate
  ./cf isassoc
  ./cf email
  ./find email
  ./f email
  # functions
  ./c -f=../samples/missingFulfillmentPrices.json
  ./c --FUNC=missingFulfillmentPrices

cd to clapi/bin

  • The CLI and UI return mock data when MOCKS mode is ON.
  • The CLI will display a visual cue ========== clapi mocks mode ON
  • The Clapi UI response data will contain an extra property MOCK-DATA:true
  # turn mocks mode on and run any command
  # turn mocks mode off

cd to clapi/bin

  # get torbit headers
  ./curl-torbit http://www-e6.walmart.com -i

  # find which nodes have values
  ./c -f=../samples/missingFulfillmentPrices.json && \
  for var in $(seq 0 20); \
  do \
    echo "--- $var" && \
    ./c test[$var].storefrontPricing.currentPrice.currentValue; \
  # find selected purchase contract shipping options
  ./c -f=../samples/purchaseContract.json;
  for i in {0..3}; do ./c groups[0].shippingOptions[$i].selected; done;