
This repository contains some container data structure types for Fortran.

Primary LanguageFortran


This repository contains some container data structure types for Fortran. It is currently in alpha stage, so use it for fun!


program demo

  use hash_table_mod

  type(hash_table_type) table
  type(hash_table_iterator_type) iter

  table = hash_table() ! Must call this initializer function to allocate internal data.

  call table%insert('foo', 1)
  call table%insert('bar', 4.2)

  print *, table%size ! Should be 2.

  iter = hash_table_iterator(table)
  do while (.not. iter%ended())
    select type (value => iter%value)
    type is (integer)
      print *, iter%key, value
    type is (real)
      print *, iter%key, value
    end select
    call iter%next()
  end do

end program demo


 foo                                      1
 bar                              4.19999981