This project is a python data processing application built with python 3.10 which includes getting data from CSV, converting it into json and then filtering, sorting aggregating and transforming processes are demonstrated through the imported data. The libraries used in the projects are pandas for data processing, json for using json data and matplotlib for visualization.
The main feature for the tasks taken for the data processing of weather data is max temperature here.
So, for filtering and sorting, max temperature is taken into account.
Also, for aggregation, average value is calculated.
For transformation, it is simply demonstrated by calculating fahrenheit value of celsius value in max temperature.
Also, this code demonstrates clean coding technique and scores 10/10 in pylint check. All the functions include their docstring and required information.
- Cloning the project
git clone
cd python-task
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Virtual Environment Setup
pip install virtualenv
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate (for linux)
venv/Scripts/activate (for windows)
- Running the script
You will be prompted to enter a value only after which the maximum temperature will be filtered.
Type the value and press enter.
The final results will be saved in /results/ directory and a time series graph will also show the series of maximum temperature over time.
- Testing the code
- Testing script standard using pylint