An accordion-based wizard based on Bootstrap styles.
This wizard is implemented as a jQuery plugin. Include the appropriate CSS and javascript files in your HTML, and then activate the wizard by calling it, e.g.
$(window).load(function() {
For a demonstration and example usage, see here.
The plugin accepts options as a single object argument. Supported options are:
- addButtons add next/prev buttons to panels (default: true)
- sidebar selector for task sidebar (default: ".acc-wizard-sidebar")
- activeClass class to indicate the active task in sidebar (default: "acc-wizard-active")
- completedClass class to indicate task is complete (default: "acc-wizard-completed")
- todoClass class to indicate task is still pending (default: "acc-wizard-todo")
- stepClass class for step buttons within panels (default: "acc-wizard-step")
- nextText text for next button (default: "Next Step")
- backText text for back button (default: "Go Back")
- nextType HTML input type for next button (default: "submit")
- backType HTML input type for back button (default: "reset")
- nextClasses class(es) for next button (default: "btn btn-primary")
- backClasses class(es) for back button (default: "btn")
- onNext function to call on next step
- onBack function to call on back up
- onInit a chance to hook initialization
- onDestroy a chance to hook destruction