
Simple Slack Bot that posts updates about systems monitored by Red Hat Insights to a Slack channel.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Insights Slackbot

Simple Slack Bot that posts updates about systems monitored by Red Hat Insights to a Slack channel.


  1. Get a Slack token for the Bot
  2. Run Insights Slackbot
    SLACK_TOKEN='<put token here>' npm start
    The server needs to be accessible from the Internet. Alternatively, use ultrahook to route webhooks to your local machine.
  3. Configure a webhook in Insights


The following environment variables can be used to tune Insights Slackbot:

  • SLACK_TOKEN - token for authentication
  • SLACK_CHANNEL - Slack channel the bot will post messages to (insights-webhooks by default)
  • SERVER_SECRET- secret part of the URL that prevents unauthorized actors from posting
  • SERVER_PORT - server port (3006 by default)