Hex dependency resolution failed
Opened this issue · 7 comments
Hello, thank you for the great on this project.
I'm trying to use it in a project, but it throws dependency errors:
When using {:plsm, "~> 2.3.2"}
Failed to use "postgrex" (version 0.15.11) because
ecto_sql (version 3.7.0) requires ~> 0.15.0 or ~> 1.0
plsm (version 2.3.2) requires ~> 0.14.3
mix.lock specifies 0.15.11
When using {:plsm, "~> 2.4"}
Failed to use "myxql" (version 0.5.1) because
ecto_sql (version 3.7.0) requires ~> 0.4.0 or ~> 0.5.0
plsm (version 2.4.0) requires ~> 0.4.4
mix.lock specifies 0.5.1
I'm a noob in elixir and phoenix. Any help would be appreciated!
I ecountered the same problem and resolved it by changing the versione from 2.3.2 to 2.4.0
@morphingSamurai Thank you for the feedback. I tried but still not working.
Still the same problem few years later, does it mean this project has been abandoned ?
Sadly I think so. The last commit is from a year ago
Sorry, I have been busy with family and have been sort of burned out so I don't spend much (if any time) after work on any sort of projects. I am also not really using/playing with Elixir anymore which makes it harder to get back into this. Perhaps I may get back into it but no guarantees.
@jhartwell Perhaps consider transferring the ownership of the project to someone else? @saleyn 's fork (https://github.com/saleyn/plsm) is maintained and seems to work pretty well.
In any case, thank you for the project!
@jhartwell, if you can no longer maintain it I would be ok if you transfer the ownership of the project to me.