
Elixir mix task to generate Ecto models from already existing tables

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Plsm (Formerly Plasm)- Ecto model generation

Plsm generates Ecto models based on existing database tables in your database. Currently, Ecto only allows the ability to create migrations that creates new tables/schemas. If you have an existing project that you want to add Ecto support for you would have to hand code the models. This can be tedious for tables that have many columns.

Getting Plsm

You can add

{:plsm, "~> 2.3.2"}

to deps in your mix.exs and that will download the package for you

Running Plsm

First, in order to run plsm, you need to generate a config file. You do this by running

mix plsm.config --config-file <name>

This will create a skeleton config file to the given config file. If you don't specify a config.exs file the config will then be appended to the "config/config.exs" file. If you are using another structure, such as Phoenix, then you need to pass in your dev.exs, since this is a dev only process. You will need to make changes to the generated Plsm configs in the config file in order to allow Plsm to function correctly.

Once you have your config file generated then you are ready to run plsm. You do this by running

mix ecto.gen.schema [-t|--table Table]

You are able to change the location of the model file output in the configuration file. If -t|--table Table argument is given, the schemas will be generated only for the specified table(s).

Configuration Options

By default Plsm will try to guess the database connectivity settings by reading the current project's application and :ecto_repos setting. If it cannot find that setting, it will use the following configuration options:

  • :module_name -> This is the name of the module that the models will be placed under
  • :destination -> The output location for the generated models. If this is not provided then the models will go in the directory that you ran plsm in
  • :hostname -> this is the name of the server that you are connecting to. It can be a DNS name or an IP Address. This needs to be filled in as there are no defaults
  • :port -> The port that the database server is listening on. This needs to be provided as there may not be a default for your server
  • :database -> the name of the database that you are connecting to. This is required.
  • :username -> The username that is used to connect. Make sure that there is sufficient privileges to be able to connect, query tables as well as query information schemas on the database. The schema information is used to find the index/keys on each table
  • :password -> This is necessary as there is no default nor is there any handling of a blank password currently.
  • :type -> This dictates which database vendor you are using. We currently support PostgreSQL and MySQL. If no value is entered then it will default to MySQL. Accepted values: :mysql, :postgres, Ecto.Adapters.MyXQL, Ecto.Adapters.Postgres. Do note that this is an atom and not a string
  • :typed_schema -> When true, will generate code for using :typed_ecto_schema application dependency.

Supported Databases

We currently support the following databases:

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL

We may add support to other databases based on demand. Please reach out and if you want a specific database supported. Please feel free to contribute commits that add different database vendor support!

If you have any questions you can reach me via email at jon@dontbreakthebuild.com