
Python 3 scripts used to prep inputs files and read output files for GEOS-Chem

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains Python 3 scripts used to prep inputs files and read output files for GEOS-Chem with a particular focus on functionality related to comparing model output to campaign data.

Note: ** Functionality designed to be compatible with GEOS-Chem v13.0.0 and onwards **


Functions in osbpack_io.py allow you to create ObsPack input files that are formatted correctly to be read in by GEOS-Chem. Functionality is included to make files for sampling at ground sites or via a plane (or other mobile platform). Also contains functions that read in GEOS-Chem Obspack output files, with functionality to read in individual files, and concatenate them into a single netcdf file, also transforming output time into a python friendly datetime.


Similarly, functions in planeflight_io.py allow you to create Planeflight.dat input files that are formatted correctly to be read in by GEOS-Chem. Functionality is included to make files with Pressure or Altitude inputs. Additionally, functions allow you to read in GEOS-Chem output plane.log files as pandas dataframes either individually or concatenated into a single file.


(Universal dependencies:)

(For planeflight_io only)

(For obspack_io only)


Examples are provided in the subfolder for making input files for various campaigns as well as examples of how to read in data using this library.