
JNGL project template

Primary LanguageC++

JNGL Example Project

Starts a JNGL game without any logic and just renders a black screen.

Getting Started

Clone this folder and open it in VS Code. If it's the first time you develop C++/JNGL you have to install the dependencies documented in the JNGL GitHub page. After setting up everything you only have to press F5 and the project will be built and started.

Happy developing!

Windows Development with Visual Studio

For development on Windows you need to install:

Steps to build your first JNGL Game:

  • Press the "Use this Template" Button and create your own repo.
  • Clone the new repository with GitHub Desktop or on the console with git clone --recurse-submodules.
  • Then open a console in your local project folder and run cmake -Bbuild -DFETCHCONTENT_QUIET=0, it will take a while and create a build folder.
  • In the build folder there is now a jnglexample.sln which you can open with Visual Studio.
  • In the solution explorer in Visual Studio you have to right click jnglexample and select Set as Startup Project.
  • Now you can press Debug or F5 to run your project.
  • Have fun!

iOS Development with Xcode

  • Install Boost using Homebrew: brew install boost
  • Run the following in the project folder after using this template:
mkdir subprojects/jngl/include/ios
ln -s /opt/homebrew/include/boost subprojects/jngl/include/ios/boost
cmake -Bbuild-ios -GXcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=subprojects/jngl/cmake/iOS.toolchain.cmake -DIOS_PLATFORM=OS
  • Open jnglexample.xcodeproj inside the newly created build-ios/ folder.
  • Connect an iOS device, select the "jnglexample" target and hit run.