
An Android example showing how to determine when certain application events happen, such as being brought to the background or foreground (DEPRECATED)

Primary LanguageJava

Additional Lifecycle Events

This example project shows one way to get important application events such as being brought to the background, or brought to the foreground. It also provides events for first run and first run after an update.

It is not an especially elegant solution, but at least it works. On my phone.


This is useful when you have application-wide services that needs to be paused/resumed when the application is not actually being used. It also helps with getting more realistic data when tracking user-sessions (time spent in app and such).

Basically, you'll get this:

public final class Lifecycle extends MonitoredApplication {
    public void onBroughtToBackground() {
         * An activity from the application was brought to the background, 
         * usually due to a press on the home button.
         * Pause any on-going tasks that should not happen in the background.
    public void onBroughtToForeground() {
         * An activity was brought from the background to the foreground.
         * Resume any tasks that were paused.
    public void onClose() {
         * Back was pressed from the base activity.
         * Some applications might want to handle this scenario specifically, though
         * this could just as well be considered as being brought to the background.
         * (Note that onBroughtToBackground will not be called in this case)

    protected void onApplicationFirstRun() {
         * The application was started for the first time.
         * Setup defaults and track event for analytics.
    protected void onApplicationUpdated() {
         * The application was started with a higher Version Code than previously.
         * This is a good place to invalidate and re-register for the GCM service.

Let's say you were doing the whole Google Analytics thing, then you could do this for more accurate data:

private GoogleAnalyticsTracker _tracker;

public void onBroughtToForeground() {
    if (_tracker != null) {
        _tracker.startNewSession("**-********-*", 30, this);

public void onBroughtToBackground() {
    if (_tracker != null) {