
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Toy Problems

Test your solution with npm run test {problemName}, or test all solutions with npm run test:all

There are provided solutions in the solutions branch.


  • rockPaperScissors
  • evenOccurence
  • treeCountLeaves
  • primeTester
  • insertionSort
  • characterFrequency
  • treeMap
  • sumArray
  • numberToEnglish
  • telephoneWords
  • coinSums
  • eventingLibrary
  • hashTableResizing
  • linkedListCycles
  • allAnagrams
  • longestPalindrome
  • lruCache
  • implementingOperators
  • spiralTraversal
  • commonAncestor
  • romanNumeralTranslator
  • rotatedArraySearch
  • linkedList
  • tree
  • hashTable
  • queueStack
  • robotPaths
  • rockPaperScissors
  • nonrepeatedCharacter
  • isSubsetOf
  • nthFibonacci
  • bubbleSort
  • commonCharacters
  • treeDFSelect
  • largestProductOfThree
  • deepEquality
  • powerSet
  • treeBFSelect
  • composePipe
  • binarySearchArray
  • rangeClass
  • balancedParens
  • asyncMap
  • longestRun
  • mergeSort
  • fractionConverter
  • rotateMatrix
  • shuffleDeck