
Listens for PI's writes to disk and legend-live API

We're probably looking at a 0MQ push/pull model. (this thing is a book, don't hurt yourself.)



Virtualenv allows us to manage python versions and libraries in userland. Decoupling it from the OS and its package manager. This is good.

create a virtual environment for python

You only do this one time.

git clone
cd zmq-controller
python3 -m venv .

activate your virtual environment

Activate your project python environment for your current terminal.

source bin/activate
# Check that it worked
which python
which pip

install the python packages you need

# first make sure pip is up to date
pip install pip --upgrade
pip install -r requirements.txt

Handy Pip commands

# install something
pip install <whatev>
# find something
pip search zmq
# install everything required by requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
# see what's installed
pip freeze
# save what pip installed to requirements.txt
pip freeze > requirements.txt