
Golang implementation of brute force version of OWASP's DirBuster

Primary LanguageGo


Golang implementation of brute force version of OWASP's DirBuster. I took the idea (and directory list) initially from [1], but decided to implement in Go because of its nice concurrency features.

The purpose of this program is to find hidden directories leading from a URL. It will write successful GETs to file (and print in verbose mode). This is purely educational / experimental code. It has the potential to DoS a small server so please use carefully.


- URL. The URL from which to launch the search.
- FNAME. Path to file of strings that will be appended to the URL.
- V. Verbose Mode, Prints 200 and 401 codes to the screen.
- TOR. Make requests through Tor (or not).


# Add Http Authentication.
# Add Cookie Authentication.
  • Tested on OSX and Ubuntu

[1] https://github.com/NoobieDog/Dir-Xcan