
The Latest Stable build of CockroachDB for ARM64

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


CockroachDB for ARM64 (v8)

This is a recent-edition build of CockroachDB for ARM64 devices, namely machines like RaspberryPI and PINE64 and similar boards with the ARM64v8 chipset.

Docker Hub image available

Docker Hub has the latest built image.

Running image (single instance with 20% memory cache)

Note: This assumes you have a docker network named "proxy" and you're likely creating this on Docker Swarm/k8s. Adjust the docker service create statement to fit your environment/purpose.

sudo mkdir /var/lib/cockroach
sudo mkdir /var/lib/cockroach/data
sudo mkdir /var/lib/cockroach/backup

docker service create --replicas 1 --name cockroachdb-1 --hostname cockroachdb-1 --network proxy \
                --mount type=bind,source=/var/lib/cockroach/data,target=/cockroach/cockroach-data \
                --mount type=bind,source=/var/lib/cockroach/backup,target=/cockroach/backup --stop-grace-period 60s \
                --publish 8090:8080 --publish 26257:26257 christoofar/cockroachdb-arm64 start-single-node \
                --storage-engine=pebble --external-io-dir=/cockroach/backup --cache=.20 --max-sql-memory=.20 --logtostderr \