A key phrase extractor based on wikipedia miner.

Tested under python 2.7.6, no extra libraries needed.

The server we use is the wikify service under wikipedia miner. Because the phrase extraction algorithm of wikipedia miner is able to process each document separately, we send a http request for each paper sequentially. Please see the paper for more algorithm details.


  • data/arxiv_cs_xml/arxiv_cs.xml: original XML file of 78129 arxiv computer science papers.
  • data/arxiv_cs_json/arxiv_cs.json: extracted contents from the XML file by the script xml_parsing.py.
  • data/arxiv_cs_json_1000/arxiv_cs_1000.json: first 1000 papers of the whole data, for testing.


  • xml_parsing.py
  • wiki_miner.py
  • manual_add_phrase.py
  • combine_t_a_k.py

General pipline:

  1. use xml_parsing.py to parse XML file, and save the contents in a json file. If the json file already exists, this can be skipped.
  2. use wiki_miner.py to extract phrases with a specific probability threshold (0.5 by default) under the common mode.
  3. use wiki_miner.py to extract phrases with a lower probability threshold (0 by default) under the fill mode, for those documents with empty phrase list from the previous step.
  4. use manual_add_phrase.py to manually add key phrases for the documents still without any key phrases by now.
  5. use combine_t_a_k.py to combine the extracted phrases with the corresponding titles and abstracts.

Note that an error may occur when running wiki_miner.py due to the instability of the server. The script will save the extracted phrases if an error occurs. Just run the command again to extract the remaining papers. If there is keyboard interrupt, the extracted phrases will also be saved.

A running example:

  1. run

    python wiki_miner.py data/arxiv_cs_json/arxiv_cs common 0.5

  2. run

    python wiki_miner.py data/arxiv_cs_json/arxiv_cs fill 0

  3. run

    python manual_add_phrase.py data/arxiv_cs_json/arxiv_cs

  4. run

    python combine_t_a_k.py data/arxiv_cs_json/arxiv_cs

Finally, the target file will be generated as data/arxiv_cs_json/arxiv_cs_t_a_k.json, containing title, abstract and extracted key pharses of the papers.