
generate pdf report and send email with attachment

Primary LanguageJava

  1. Convert the Excel input file from csv to xlsx such as statement_sample.xlsx.

    Make sure to add a word END to the end of the content in the Excel file.

    I will send you a sample link of this sample file.

  2. please find application.properties file, and change 3 lines

    spring.datasource.url, report.location, report.jasper-filename.

    spring.datasource.url could be any folder as long as its empty.

    report.location refers to the folder location of your Excel input files.

    report.jasper-filename refers to the location of MasterReport.jasper file in the project folder, you simply only need to change the folder location and don't change the filename!

  3. run this command to start up the application: mvn clean generate-sources install spring-boot:run.

    You probably will see a google link when you first time run the application,

    then please open the link in chrome browser and login for a proper account.

  4. to shut down the application simply use keyboard CTRL+C.

  5. Now you can use Jasper Studio to update the layout of MasterReport.jrxml file

    • simply use mouse to drag and play!
  6. in the src/main/resources, there is a file client_secret.json, its based on a Google account;

    do not spread it and I will let you know how to generate it from Google for yourself later.

  7. Remember your Excel filename such as statement_sample, then open browser http://localhost:7788/report/statement_sample, you will see the generated PDF file names.

A few tips on Mac terminal:

  1. cd somewhere go to somewhere directory
  2. cd .. go to upper level directory
  3. cd ../../.. go to 3 levels up
  4. open . open current folder in Mac Finder
  5. pwd show current directory path
  6. cp somewhere/filename . copy filename from somewhere to current directory
  7. cp -r somedirectory . copy some directory (whole folder) to current directory
  8. rm -rf something delete something (either folder or file)
  9. cd ~ go to $HOME directory