
A handy jQuery plugin to allow you to check any password field live

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


jQuery plugin which checks passwords live against a set of criteria including personal information and dictionary words.



More settings include:

    minLength:8, //the minimum length of the password
    allowSpace:false, //whether or not a space character is allowed in the password
    strengthIndicator:$('#myStrengthMeter'), //the element to turn into a strength meter
    checklist:$('#myChecklist'), //the element to turn into a checklist
    dictionary:'../src/dictionaries/en.js', //a JSON file which has a list of disallowed words
    doubleType:$('#password2'), //a second password field to allow for double typing checking
    personalInformation:[ //personal information to stop the user from using
        $('#name'), //can be elements
        '2nd December 1992' //or strings
    change:function(score, issues, pass) { //the function which is called when the password changes
        $('#feedback').html('<strong>Score:</strong> '+Math.round(score)+'<br /><strong>Problems:</strong> '+issues.join(', ')+'<br /><strong>Passed?:</strong> '+pass);


You can find all the examples live at http://www.edmundgentle.com/snippets/password/examples/