
AngularJS alternative UI for MyUW portal (built for uPortal).

Primary LanguageCSS

Portal with Angular

What is this?

This is an angular approach to the dashboard view of uPortal. This dashboard will work along side uPortal, more of a companion app. It utilizes the uPortal rest APIs to collect layout info. It pulls notifications from the notification portlet resource URL.

To Build

  • Create directory in tomcat/webapps (suggest calling it angular). This must be the same tomcat instance as uPortal (unless you have Apache setup).
  • Put all files in this directory

To Run

  • Startup a uPortal instance
  • Login to said uPortal instance, ei: my.wisc.edu/portal
  • Change url to /<whatever you named the directory in /webapps>, ei: my.wisc.edu/web


  • Your end point of portal is /portal.
  • You utilize notification portlet


  • Change your default page to be /angular, change to LoginController.java, around line 110
  • Change all home page links to point at /angular
  • the iconUrl is an actual URL.