
Files for creating my custom keyboard, including my Karabiner-Elements settings and WASD Keyboard layout files


If you were a professional guitarist, wouldn't you play on a premium guitar?

If you were a chef, wouldn't you invest in a premium chef knife?

Well, as someone who types literally millions of keystrokes a year for my profession, I decided to invest in a premium keyboard by combining Karabiner-Elements with a customized WASD Keyboard. This repository contains the files for creating my custom keyboard:

  • The karabiner folder contains the json files for my Karabiner-Elements settings.
  • The wasd_files folder contains the Adobe Illustrator file used to make my customized WASD keyboard.

My Karabiner-Elements settings enable all sorts of keyboard modifications, including:

  • Use J / I / K / L as arrow keys for navigating the cursor and selecting text.
  • Create more convenient and comfortable shortcuts for common commands, like cut, copy, paste, delete, backspace, undo, redo, find, and escape.
  • Launch applications like Google Chrome or Terminal with a single hotkey.
  • Open Google Chrome to a webpage (e.g. gmail) with a single hotkey
  • Type my email send off ("Cheers, John") with a single hotkey.

Table of Contents

Customized WASD Keyboard

My WASD keyboard looks like this: alt text

All I did to create this was edit the Adobe Illustrator keyboard file (./wasd_files/keyboard_layout_104.ai). In addition to adding a bunch of customized icons (e.g. the function keys), I changed the caps lock key to a blue hyper key that when held down (with the help of Karabiner-Elements) essentially creates another keyboard with an entirely different functionality (indicated by the small blue icons in the lower-right corners of each key).

For those curious, the Chinese text on the spacebar is the idiom "晴耕雨读", which literally means "Sunny farm rain read." The meaning is to farm on sunny days and read on rainy days. In other words, work hard, life a simple life, and enjoy each present moment.

Karabiner-Elements Settings

The Karabiner-Elements json settings are found in ./karabiner/jKeyboard.json. These particular settings include three separate "profiles" that you can select in the Karabiner preference window: 1) jKeyboard-Apple, 2) jKeyboard-WASD, and 3) jKeyboard-CM. The main profile is "jKeyboard-Apple," which is configured for a standard Apple keyboard and includes all the settings described on this page. The other two profiles have additional functionality that is specific to my WASD keyboard and another keyboard by Cooler Master, which I use on different Mac machines.

Installation (mac)

  1. Download Karabiner-Elements and Install.
  2. Open the karabiner.json configuration file. To find it, open Terminal.app and type open ~/.config, which will open the hidden .config directory in a new Finder window. There you can navigate to karabiner/karabiner.json and open/edit that file.
  3. Copy-paste the settings in one of the json files in the ./karabiner/ folder in this repo to overwrite the default karabiner.json file.

Caps_lock Keyboard

One of the primary things my jKeyboard settings does is modify the caps lock key such that when held down it essentially creates another keyboard with an entirely different functionality. Here is a summary of the current settings:


Key Combination Maps to Description
caps lock Nothing Trigger for "hyper" keyboard
caps lock + J / I / K / L / / / Arrow Keys
caps lock + command + I / K command + / Home / End
caps lock + command + J / L command + / Go to Start / End of Line
caps lock + U / O command + / Go to Start / End of Line
caps lock + spacebar control Control key
caps lock + spacebar + I / K / Page Up / Page Down
caps lock + spacebar + J / L control + / Go to Start / End of Next Word

Selecting Text

Key Combination Maps to Description
caps lock + A shift Shift key
caps lock + A + J / I / K / L shift + / / / Select Text
caps lock + A + command + I / K command + shift + / Select all to top / bottom
caps lock + A + command + J / L command + shift + / Select until Start / End of Line
caps lock + A + U / O command + shift + / Select until Start / End of Line
caps lock + A + , / . control + shift + / Select until Start / End of Next Word
caps lock + A + [ / ] option + shift + / Select until Start / End of Paragraph

Common Shortcuts

Key Combination Maps to Description
caps lock + N backspace Backspace / Delete
caps lock + H del Forward Delete
caps lock + S command + X Cut
caps lock + D command + C Copy
caps lock + F command + V Paste
caps lock + R command + Z Undo
caps lock + T command + Y Redo
caps lock + M command + F Find
caps lock + . command + G Find Next
caps lock + , command + shift + G Find Previous
caps lock + E Esc Escape

Other Shortcuts

Key Combination Action
caps lock + C Open Google Chrome
caps lock + Z Open the file 'foo.txt' in my Dropbox Folder
caps lock + Quote (') Open my Dropbox folder
caps lock + / Open my Downloads folder
caps lock + P Open my pCloud Drive folder
caps lock + A + P Open my pCloud Sync folder
caps lock + 8 Open Terminal
caps lock + 2 command + control + 2 (my Sublime Text shortcut to split into two windows)
caps lock + G Type my email send off ("Cheers, John")
caps lock + Y control + Y (my Sublime Text shortcut to send selected text to a REPL)
caps lock + 9 control + 9 (my Sublime Text shortcut to shift focus to the LEFT panel)
caps lock + 0 control + 0 (my Sublime Text shortcut to shift focus to the RIGHT panel)

Custom Function Keys

I also changed my function keys to do certain things. While f1 to f4 and f10 to f12 are the standard mac settings, the keys f5 to f8 open specific web pages, and f9 takes a screen shot:

Key Action
f1 Brightness Decrease
f2 Brightness Increase
f3 Mission Control
f4 Dashboard
f5 Open Gmail in Google Chrome
f6 Open Google Calendar in Google Chrome
f7 Open Facebook in Google Chrome
f8 Open Intellicast Weather in Google Chrome
f9 command + shift + 3 (Save screen shot to Desktop)
f10 Mute
f11 Volume Decrease
f12 Volume Increase

Other Commands

These are a few other tricks that I find particularly useful:

Key Action
Tap Left shift (
Tap Right shift )
Hold Esc command + W (Close Window)

Example json Settings

I learned a lot about how to write json settings to get Karabiner-Elements to do different things. I included the following examples in the ./karabiner/json_examples folder.

File Description
caps_lock_arrows.json Hold the caps lock key to turn the J / I / K / L keys into the / / / keys
launch_application.json Launch an Application (in this case Google Chrome) by typing right option + C
open_browser_to_page.json Open Google Chrome to www.google.com by typing right option + C
tap_shift_keys_for_parentheses.json Tap left_shift / right_shift to get ( / )



📣 Shout-out to @jasonrudolph, @Vonng, and the Karabiner Vi Mode Setting for inspiration - I learned a lot by copying a lot of their json code!