
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Telegram bot Audio ChatGPT

ChatGPT is changing how we perceive technology, and interacting with it in a smooth and clean manner is paramount to further improve user experience. This is why I believe interacting with it using Telegram bots and using speech can help further exploit its potential.

Telegram bot to use ChatGPT with text and vocal messages. I have updated the repo using Whisper and ChatGPT official APIs from OpenAI.

The bot has been deployed on Railway, and it works amazingly! 🚀 You can deploy your own bot, or try out mine! @AudioGPT_bot


  • Use voice and text messages to interact with the Bot
  • Type or speak in many different languages
  • Fast answers (2-3 seconds)
  • History tracked for individual user (you can clean it)

Bot commands

  • /reset – start new dialog
  • /help – show help
  • /start – register to the service

Setup for deployment

  1. Register the new bot with @BotFather and retrieve the bot key

  2. Register to OpenAI and retrieve the key

  3. Register to Railway and use the template I created to set up your own configuration:

    Deploy on Railway

If you want to run locally, you will still need to set up a PostgreSQL database and configure the following env variable in app/.env file:


    MODE = 'polling'
    PORT = '8443'
    CHATGPT_MODEL = "gpt-3.5-turbo"

    PGHOST = ""
    PGPORT = ""
    PGUSER = ""