Why server ?

The garmin watch as well as the Android application connects to the server to have a common database, the server is mandatory for synchronization for the Garmin watch and not having the money to pay for a server for X people with X data for now you have to start the server yourself.

Automatic Installation


Manual installation

1. Create an account or log in Heroku

2. Create a new app

3. Add add-ons Heroku Postgres

The free version allows you to have 10,000 rows which is enough from my point of view for the majority of users.

4. Deploy the code to Heroku

Perhaps the easiest is to use connect GitHub

5. Configuration

You can define the numbers of users that your application can receive. This allows you to limit the creation of accounts and suddenly the number of use of your database.

By default on free version Heroku you have access to 10,000 rows


To use search (optional)

  1. Get a Podcast Index API token

6. Your application is now operational


There is a cron to search for new episodes automatically.

The final step is to scale up the clock process. This is a singleton process, meaning you’ll never need to scale up more than 1 of these processes. If you run two, the work will be duplicated. Visit the documentation

heroku ps:scale clock=1

Create account

Open the following url: https://APP_NAME.herokuapp.com/create_user

Enter your login and password.

Please note I did not use a password recovery tool, if you forget it you will have to re-create an account. For reset delete user with request DELETE FROM account;

Using App


I'm not a web application developer so it's very simple. I take any help

You can access it via the url https://APP_NAME.herokuapp.com



At the 1st launch a login page will ask you.

  1. Set url application https://APP_NAME.herokuapp.com/
  2. Set login
  3. Set password
  4. Enjoy


If someone is available to help me, I am interested.

Garmin Connect


You must configure the server before using the application by indicating the url of your application

  1. Open Garmin Connect IQ or Garmin Express. Visit the documentation
  2. Set url application https://APP_NAME.herokuapp.com/
  3. Save
  4. Select MyPodcasts as a music source on watch
  5. A login page will open for your mobile on the 1st use. Please note that the BLE connection with your watch must work
  6. Enjoy

Question ?

Do not hesitate to send me an email to alexis.lecanu.garmin@gmail.com if you have any concerns