
This applescript allows you to post an article to FriendFeed from NetNewsWire

NNW to FriendFeed
Justin D. Henry

This applescript allows you to post an article to FriendFeed from NetNewsWire.  This script based in large part on the "blog selection" script that comes with NetNewsWire, and bases the preference storage function by Andrew Faden and Larry Staton ( http://futuremacblog.blogspot.com/2008/03/improved-netnewswire-to-delicious.html ).  

Still to come
TODO add key/username storage from http://futuremacblog.blogspot.com/2008/03/improved-netnewswire-to-delicious.html
TODO figure out how to get the thumbnail from NNW - it uses it in the "tabs", but is it available to applescript?
TODO add dialog, prefilled with theText, to allow adding a comment
TODO make all this happen on clippings sync, so hitting the clippings button effectively adds the item to friendfeed as well.
TODO get info from current window/tab, instead of just the river