A project for school
- Make a thing
- Use Git
- Be awesome
There are other things that will be done, but that is for a later time.
- git init
- git status
- git add .
- git status
- git commit -m "initial commit"
- git commit -a -m "updated message"
- git commit -m "updated message"
- git push -u origin master
- git push
- git status
- git log
- git log --graph
- git log --pretty="%h - %s"
- git log --pretty="%h - %s" --graph
- Make a new branch:
- git checkout -b new_branch_name source_branch_name
- Then pull code down:
- git pull [HTTPS URL of source to clone]
- Git will merge files, flag any conflicts, and rely on you to resolve them
- <<<<<<< HEAD
- Your code
- =======
- Their code
- must have commits on both branches
- must be on the branch you want to stay on (i.e. master)
- git merge [branch name]
- git status
- git commit -m "merged with blah blah branch"
- don't be on the branch you want to delete
- If you have already merged the branch: -- git branch -d [delete branch name]
- If you have not merged the branch: -- git branch -D [delete branch name]