
create useful infoboxes based on GND-IDs and with data from Wikipedia

Primary LanguageJavaScript


create useful infoboxes based on GND-IDs and enriched with data from Wikipedia!

See the demo at www.bilder-der-revolte.de

A simple Infobx for Rainer Langhans at bilder-der-revolte.de

How it works

After page load wikibox looks for img-elements wrapped by an a-Element. It attaches a css and a data attribute:

<a href="http://d-nb.info/gnd/4058171-8" class="wikibox-gndlink" data-gnd="4058171-8"> 
 <img src="http://bilder-der-revolte.de/wp-content/plugins/revolte68/images/icon_gnd.gif">

If the user clicks on the icon_gnd.gif wikibox.js makes an AJAX request to a gndProxy instance that gathers data from DNB, Wikipedia and Wikidata. The results are parsed and according html-elements are created for your wikibox.



  • download the sources
  • embedd wikibox.css into the html-header
  • embedd wikibox.js into your html-footer
  • you need to configure wikibox.js to let jQuery search at the correct location in your html-page.

Notes & Meta

This script was developed with ♥ as showcase for Coding da Vinci cultural hackathon. Unless it works there is much to improve here to make it more generic and stable. Pull requests are welcome!