
Unofficial control library and CLI utility for Pfeiffer turbopumps

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Unofficial control library and CLI utility for Pfeiffer turbopumps

This is a simple unofficial (it's in no way associated with Pfeiffer vacuum or any of their partners) Python library and utility collection to work with Pfeiffer turbopumps via the RS485 interface.

WARNING: WORK IN PROGRESS!!. This project is not generally usable in it's current state and there are currently some decoding errors (or capture problems) with many status messages queried during startup.

Currently available components:

  • PfeifferProtocol is a simple serialization and deserialization library that creates and parses the RS485 on wire messages. It also allows to add metadata for supported devices (register maps are keps in dictionaries inside the class) and parses the raw payload accordingly.
  • PfeifferRS485Serial handles the RS485 bus via a simple RS232 <-> TTL converter and MAX485 RS485 driver. This can be used in sniffer, master or slave mode. Sniffer mode is used to watch the communication between a master like the DCU and the attached components, master mode allows one to implement an own control unit and slave mode allows one to emulate various devices for testing purposes.

Currently available utilities:

  • pfeiffersniff is a simple command line utility that exposes core features of the libraries via the CLI to allow simple and easy monitoring of the bus and optionally controlling the attached pumps.

Supported devices

Type Name Support / Comment
Turbopump controller TC110 Decoder for documented registers implemented
Membrane pump MVP015 Decoder for documented registers implemented

The protocol library

The protocol library is implemented in pfeifferproto.py. It can simply be imported using

from pfeifferpumps.pfeifferproto import PfeifferProtocol, SerialProtocolViolation, SerialProtocolUnknownRegister

Decoding ASCII packets

Routines for decoding ASCII packets are usually used by the library internally to decode packets received on the serial interface - in case a device type has been specified the register set definition can be used to further decode and interpret the values. In case one wants to do this by oneself there are two routines to decode packets that have been captured as ASCII lines - for example in the format '0011030906015000026\r'. The first one simply decodes the packet, verifies the checksum and builds a basic packet dictionary but does not interpret it's payload:

with PfeifferProtocol() as proto:
    result = proto.decodePacketRaw('0011030906015000026\r')

This would create an object with the following structure:

    'address': 1,
    'param': 309,
    'action': 1,
    'payloadRaw': '015000',
    'payloadLength': 6,
    'packetRaw': '0011030906015000026\r'

No data has been interpreted.

A SerialProtocolViolation is thrown in case:

  • The message is too short
  • The message is not correctly terminated by '\r'
  • The message is malformed
  • The checksum is invalid

To further decode the message one has to know the register set. These are kept in the dictionary registers inside the PfeifferProtocol class as a dictionary mapping the device types to register definitions. For example registers["TC110"] would be the register set definition for the TC110 turbopump controller. To further decode a previously decoded raw packet one can use decodePacket(packet, sentenceDictionary):

with PfeifferProtocol() as proto:
    packet = proto.decodePacketRaw('0011030906015000026\r')
    packet = proto.decodePacket(packet, proto.registers["TC110"])

This would yield a dictionary describing the packet:

    'address': 1,
    'param': 309,
    'action': 1,
    'payloadRaw': '015000',
    'payloadLength': 6,
    'packetRaw': '0011030906015000026\r',
    'payload': 15000,
    'designation': 'Active rotation speed',
    'displayreg': 'ActualSpd',
    'regaccess': 0,
    'regunit': 'Hz',
    'regmin': 0,
    'regmax': 999999,
    'regdefault': None,
    'regpersistent': False

As one can see the method decodes the raw payload into the specific datatype (in this example into an integer) and performs validations on the value - it checks if the value is in range, if the encodings are valid, etc. In addition it adds:

  • The displayreg attribute that indicates what would be displayed on the DCU LCD
  • The designation that includes a description of the register
  • In case it's available the unit (regunit) - as well as allowed definition set (regmin and regmax) for numerical values.
  • It indicates an optional default value (regdefault)
  • The regpersistent flag tells if this register will be stored during a power cycle in persistent storage of the given control unit.
  • The regaccess field tells if access to the register is allowed read only (PfeifferProtocol.ACCESS_R), in read/write mode (PfeifferProtocol.ACCESS_RW) or write only (PfeifferProtocol.ACCESS_W)
  • The fields address, param, action, payloadRaw and payloadLength as well as packetRaw are copied from the raw packet structure

Encoding messages

The protocol library supports a single encoding function that is able to create a protocol message:

encodePacket(targetAddress, action, regParam, value, sentenceDictionary, checkWritable = True)


  • targetAddress is the RS485 destination address of the packet
  • action can be either a read request (0) or a write or response to a read request (1).
  • regParam selects the register that one targets
  • value is the value that one wants to write into the given register or report from the given register. This is encoded in it's native corresponding datatype (int, string, float, etc.)
  • The sentenceDictionary selects the register set that should be used
  • When using checkWritable set to True the function will only allow one to create packets targeting writable registers, when set to False one can encode every packet.

For example the counterpart to the decode example would look like the following:

with PfeifferProtocol() as proto:
    packet = proto.encodePacket(1, 1, 309, 15000, proto.registers["TC110"], checkWritable = False)

This function always has to be supplied with a dictionary - the example would create a simple packet:

    'address': 1,
    'param': 309,
    'action': 1,
    'payloadRaw': '015000',
    'payloadLength': 6,
    'payload': 15000,
    'designation': 'Active rotation speed',
    'displayreg': 'ActualSpd',
    'regaccess': 0,
    'regunit': 'Hz',
    'regmin': 0,
    'regmax': 999999,
    'regdefault': None,
    'regpersistent': False,
    'packetRaw': '0011030906015000026\r'

As one can see the format matches the decoding / parsing format and also includes the on wire representation as packetRaw

The RS485 serial port library

The PfeifferRS485Serial class allows one to access pumps and devices on an RS485 bus that's attached via a simple RS232 to RS485 serial bridge. This can easily be built using readily available CP2102 TTL to USB adapters and an MAX485 breakout board with RE and DE tied to ground though for a simple sniffer one should remove the termination resistor.

To create a connection one can again use the with construct:

from pfeifferpumps.pfeifferrs485 import PfeifferRS485Serial

    with PfeifferRS485Serial(portFile, { 1 : "TC110" }) as port:
        while True:
            nextMsg = port.nextMessage()
except serial.SerialException as e:
    print("Failed to connect to serial port {}".format(portFile))
except SerialProtocolViolation as e:
except SerialCommunicationError as e:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("\r", end="")
    print("Exiting ...")

As one can see the first argument to the PfeifferRS485Serial constructor specifies the port name or port file name (such as /dev/ttyU0 - which is by coincidence also the default value). The second argument allows one to specify the devices type / select the register sets for different devices on the bus that should be handled while decoding and encoding messages. In case one has a TC110 on address 1 and DCU110 on address 0 one could simply supply the following dictionary:

    1 : "TC110",
    0 : "DCU110"

The library will then locate the given register set from the protocol library or raise an SerialProtocolViolation in case the device is not supported.

As one can see from the sample the nextMessage() routine can be used to block for the next message on the bus and return the decoded message as soon as it has been received.

The packet returned by nextMessage looks like the one returned by the decode functions - depending if one has configured a register set for the given device address or not. In addition all packets are timestamped with a human readable timestamp (time) and the Unix epoch (timestamp):

    'address': 1,
    'param': 309,
    'action': 1,
    'payloadRaw': '015000',
    'payloadLength': 6,
    'packetRaw': '0011030906015000026\r',
    'payload': 15000,
    'designation': 'Active rotation speed',
    'displayreg': 'ActualSpd',
    'regaccess': 0,
    'regunit': 'Hz',
    'regmin': 0,
    'regmax': 999999,
    'regdefault': None,
    'regpersistent': False,
    'time': '2021-10-15 07:00:00.630690',
    'timestamp': 1634274000

The CLI tool

The sniffer

The protocol sniffer allows one to tap into the RS485 bus and log as well as decode all encountered messages. It dumps all encountered messages as well as any errors onto the standard output. In addition it allows logging into a JSON dump (and is also capable of replaying using the same dump with different configurations again just using the raw packet data from the JSON structure - this is interesting for development and testing purposes for all library components).

usage: pfeiffersniff [-h] [-p PORT] [-s SIMFILE] [-d DEVICE] [-j LOGJSON]
                      [--showsim] [--noshowquery] [--noerror]

Simple access to Pfeiffer pumps on an RS485 bus attached to a serial port

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Serial port to be used to access the RS485 bus
  -s SIMFILE, --simfile SIMFILE
                        Simulation file. One can supply a JSON dump that
                        should be injected instead of a real serial port
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        Adds a device registerset to a given address
                        (ADR:DEVTYPE). Can be used multiple times
  -j LOGJSON, --logjson LOGJSON
                        Specifies a logfile that all captured packets are
                        appended to - in JSON format line per line
  --showsim             Show simulated messages
  --noshowquery         Disable output of query messages
  --noerror             Disable error messages (protocol violation, etc.)

For example to listen on /dev/ttyU1 for messages, decoding messages for a TC110 on address 1 and a MVP015 on address 2 recording everything into a packets.json file:

pfeiffersniff -p /dev/ttyU1 -j ./packets.json -d 1:TC110 -d 2:MVP015

To replay the recorded packets afterwards without showing decoded query messages and hiding protocol errors:

pfeiffersniff -s ./packets.json -d 1:TC110 -d 2:MVP015 --noshowquery --noerror