Node.js v10+, or equivalent runtime (Browsers work too) with BigInt
Install via npm
$ npm install --save exfat
Volume operations
- File system creation (mkfs)
- Integrity verification & repair (aka CHKDSK)
Node core `fs` APIs
- access( path[, mode], callback )
- appendFile( path, data[, options], callback )
- chmod( path, mode, callback )
- chown( path, uid, gid, callback )
- close( fd, callback )
- copyFile( src, dest[, flags], callback )
- createReadStream( path[, options] )
- createWriteStream( path[, options] )
- fchmod( fd, mode, callback )
- fchown( fd, uid, gid, callback )
- fdatasync( fd, callback )
- fstat( fd[, options], callback )
- fsync( fd, callback )
- ftruncate( fd[, len], callback )
- futimes( fd, atime, mtime, callback )
- lchmod( path, mode, callback )
- lchown( path, uid, gid, callback )
- link( existingPath, newPath, callback )
- lstat( path[, options], callback )
- mkdir( path[, options], callback )
- mkdtemp( prefix[, options], callback )
- open( path[, flags[, mode]], callback )
- read( fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback )
- read( fd, [options,] callback )
- readdir( path[, options], callback )
- readFile( path[, options], callback )
- readlink( path[, options], callback )
- realpath( path[, options], callback )
- rename( oldPath, newPath, callback )
- rmdir( path[, options], callback )
- stat( path[, options], callback )
- symlink( target, path[, type], callback )
- truncate( path[, len], callback )
- unlink( path, callback )
- utimes( path, atime, mtime, callback )
- unwatchFile( filename[, listener] )
- watchFile( filename[, options], listener )
- write( fd, buffer[, offset[, length[, position]]], callback )
- write( fd, string[, position[, encoding]], callback )
- writeFile( file, data[, options], callback )
- writev( fd, buffers[, position], callback )
var ExFAT = require( 'exfat' )
To operate an ExFAT volume, a device
with the below API is required.
Position 0
must be the start of the ExFAT partition.
var device = {
read( buffer, offset, length, position, callback ) {}
write( buffer, offset, length, position, callback ) {}
Now a volume can be instantiated on the device:
var volume = new ExFAT.Volume({
// Whether the volume is treated as read-only (default: true)
readOnly: true,
// Device's logical block size (default: device.blockSize || 512 )
blockSize: 512,
// I/O device API (see above)
device: device,
And now the volume can be mounted and subsequently used until unmounted: NOTE: Error handling omitted for brevity.
volume.mount(( error ) => {
console.log( 'Volume cluster usage', volume.fat.getUsage() )
// -> { total: 3932160, used: 266625, bad: 0, free: 3665535 }
console.log( 'Volume root cluster chain', volume.fat.getClusterChain( volume.vbr.rootDirCluster ) )
// -> [ { number: 7, next: 4294967295 } ]
volume.readDirEntries( this.vbr.rootDirCluster, ( error, entries ) => {
console.log( 'Volume root directory entries:', entries )
// -> [
// Label { type: 131, length: 7, value: 'WD Blue' },
// Bitmap {
// type: 129,
// unknown1: <Buffer 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>,
// cluster: 2,
// size: 476723n
// },
// UpCase {
// type: 130,
// reserved1: <Buffer 00 00 00>,
// checksum: 3860452109,
// reserved2: <Buffer 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>,
// cluster: 6,
// size: 5836n
// },
// File {
// type: 133,
// continuations: 2,
// checksum: 63169,
// attr: 50,
// unknown1: 0,
// crtime: 21126,
// crdate: 20245,
// mtime: 21126,
// mdate: 20245,
// atime: 21126,
// adate: 20245,
// crtimeCs: 169,
// mtimeCs: 169,
// unknown2: <Buffer f8 f8 f8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
// },
// ...
// ]
volume.unmount(( error ) => {
// ...
NOTE: You'll need to run this in an Administrator command prompt
node example/inspect.js \\.\PhysicalDrive1
Mac OS:
sudo node example/inspect.js /dev/rdisk2
sudo node example/inspect.js /dev/sda