
Expose GraphQL services from Plain JavaScript Classes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Warning: Work In Progress

This library creates a GraphQL schema from plain JavaScript classes. With this code:

class Query {
   * List a few comments
   * @param {number} offset - The offset of...
   * @param {number} limit - The limit of...
   * @param {int} limit
   * @param {int} offset
   * @return {Comment[]} - The result of...
  static list (limit, offset) {
    return [{
      text: 'hello world!'

class Comment {
  constructor () {
    /** @type {string!} - The id of a comment */
    this.id = null
    /** @type {string} - The content of a comment */
    this.text = null
    /** @type {boolean} - Flag that indicates if the comment was deleted */
    this.deleted = null

   * Gets whatever
   * @param {context} ctxt
   * @return {string} - The result of...
  whatever (ctxt) {
    return Promise.resolve(this.text + ' heyyyyyy ' + ctxt.foo)

Just using graphqlize

const { createSchema } = require('graphqlize')
const schema = createSchema(Query, Comment)

You get a GraphQL schema with this schema:

type Comment {
  # The id of a comment
  id: String!

  # The content of a comment
  text: String

  # Flag that indicates if the comment was deleted
  deleted: Boolean
  whatever: String

type Query {
  list(limit: Int, offset: Int): [Comment]

Once you have the schema you can run a server with it:

var app = express()
app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP({
  schema: schema,
  graphiql: true,
  context: {}

Based on JSDocs

Each class represents a GraphQL type. You annotate the classes with standard JSDocs attributes. It supports the following types:

  • string: maps to GraphQLString
  • number or float: maps to GraphQLFloat
  • int: maps to GraphQLInt
  • boolean: maps to GraphQLBoolean
  • ID: GraphQLID
  • Custom types
  • Arrays of any previous type
  • not-nullability with {type!}
  • using @param {context} in a particular field you will get the GraphQL context injected for that argument

You just need to call createSchema passing all the types/classes that you want to expose

createSchema(Query, Class2, Class3,...)

The first class will be the root in the schema. Methods act like attributes with arguments. They can be static or not.