
Catacombs of the damned! - A Pseudo 3D first person shooter for the Arduboy

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Catacombs of the damned!


Catacombs of the damned! is a first person shooter / dungeon crawler for the Arduboy miniature game system where you navigate 10 floors of a randomly generated dungeon dispatching monsters with your magic fireballs whilst collecting as much loot as possible.

It was partly inspired by the Catacomb 3D series of games.


  • Smooth 3D gameplay!
  • Sound effects!
  • Randomly generated levels!
  • Four different types of monsters!
  • Lot of loot to collect!

Build instructions

To compile from source you will need the Arduboy2 library and the ArduboyTones library as well as the Arduino IDE

Open /Source/Arduboy3D/Arduboy3D.ino in the Arduino IDE and hit build

Community thread

Read about the development history and post your comments on the Arduboy forum thread