
Kubernetes operator for executing synthetic tests

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Kubernetes operator for executing synthetic tests


Canary Checker is a Kubernetes native multi-tenant synthetic monitoring system. To learn more, please see the official documentation.


  • Built-in UI/Dashboard with multi-cluster aggregation
  • CRD based configuration and status reporting
  • Prometheus Integration
  • Runnable as a CLI for once-off checks or as a standalone server outside kubernetes
  • Many built-in check types



App Comparison
Prometheus canary-checker is not a replacement for prometheus, rather a companion. While prometheus provides persistent time series storage, canary-checker only has a small in-memory cache of recent checks. Canary-checker also exposes metrics via /metrics that are scraped by prometheus.
Grafana The built-in UI provides a mechanism to display check results across 1 or more instances without a dependency on grafana/prometheus running. The UI will also display long-term graphs of check results by quering prometheus.
Kuberhealthy Very similar goals, but Kuberhealthy relies on external containers to implement checks and does not provide a UI or multi-cluster/instance aggregation.
Cloudprober Very similar goals, but Cloudprober is designed for very high scale, not multi-tenancy. Only has ICMP,DNS,HTTP,UDP built-in checks.

Quick Start

Before installing the Canary Checker, please ensure you have the prerequisites installed on your Kubernetes cluster.

# install the operator
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/flanksource/canary-checker/releases/download/v0.13.5/release.yaml
# deploy a sample canary
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flanksource/canary-checker/master/fixtures-crd/http_pass.yaml
# check the results of the canary
kubectl get canary

sample output

platform-system   dns    30         Passed             0/2 (0%)                                        6s
platform-system   lan    30         Passed             12/12 (100%)   1033         139m                6s
platform-system   ldap   30         Passed             5/5 (100%)     323                              1s
platform-system   pod    120        Passed             1/2 (50%)      10904        45m                 24s
platform-system   s3     30         Passed             5/5 (100%)     1091         5m35s               5s


apiVersion: canaries.flanksource.com/v1
kind: Canary
  name: http-pass
  interval: 30
    - endpoint: https://httpstat.us/200
      thresholdMillis: 3000
      responseCodes: [201, 200, 301]
      responseContent: ""
      maxSSLExpiry: 7

Check Types

DNS - Query a DNS server

  - server:
    port: 53
    query: "flanksource.com"
    querytype: "A"
    minrecords: 1
    exactreply: [""]
    timeout: 10
Field Description Scheme Required
description string Yes
server string Yes
port int Yes
query string
querytype string Yes
minrecords int
exactreply []string
timeout int Yes
thresholdMillis int Yes

Containerd Pull - Pull an image using containerd

This check will try to pull a Docker image from specified registry using containers and then verify its checksum and size.

  - image: docker.io/library/busybox:1.31.1
    expectedDigest: 6915be4043561d64e0ab0f8f098dc2ac48e077fe23f488ac24b665166898115a
    expectedSize: 1219782
Field Description Scheme Required
description string Yes
image string Yes
auth username and password value, configMapKeyRef or SecretKeyRef for registry Object No
expectedDigest string Yes
expectedSize int64 Yes

Docker Pull - Pull an image using docker

This check will try to pull a Docker image from specified registry, verify it's checksum and size.

  - image: docker.io/library/busybox:1.31.1
        value: some-user
        value: some-password
    expectedDigest: 6915be4043561d64e0ab0f8f098dc2ac48e077fe23f488ac24b665166898115a
    expectedSize: 1219782
Field Description Scheme Required
description string Yes
image string Yes
auth username and password value, configMapKeyRef or SecretKeyRef for registry Object No
expectedDigest string Yes
expectedSize int64 Yes

Docker Push - Create and push a docker image

  - image: ttl.sh/flanksource-busybox:1.30
        value: $DOCKER_USERNAME
        value: $DOCKER_PASSWORD
Field Description Scheme Required
description string Yes
image string Yes
auth username and password value, configMapKeyRef or SecretKeyRef for registry Object Yes

HTTP - Query an HTTP endpoint or namespace

  - endpoint: https://httpstat.us/200
    thresholdMillis: 3000
    responseCodes: [201,200,301]
    responseContent: ""
    maxSSLExpiry: 60
    displayTemplate: 'Response Code: [[.code]] Content: [[.content]]; Headers: [[.headers]]'
  - endpoint: https://httpstat.us/500
    thresholdMillis: 3000
    responseCodes: [500]
    responseContent: ""
    maxSSLExpiry: 60
  - endpoint: https://httpstat.us/500
    thresholdMillis: 3000
    responseCodes: [302]
    responseContent: ""
    maxSSLExpiry: 60
  - namespace: k8s-https-namespace
    thresholdMillis: 3000
    responseCodes: [200]
    responseContent: ""
    maxSSLExpiry: 60
    displayTemplate: 'Response Code: [[.code]]'
  - headers:
    - name: headerkey1
      value: headervalue1
    - name: headerkey2
          key: headervalue2
          name: header-configmap
      path: "$.headerkey1[0]"
      value: headervalue1
    endpoint: http://podinfo.
      - 200
  - method: POST
    body: bodycontent
    responseContent: bodycontent
    endpoint: http://podinfo.
    displayTemplate: 'Response Code: [[.code]] Content: [[.content]]; Headers: [[.headers]]'
      - 202
  - authentication:
        value: user
            name: authentication-secret
            key: password
      - 202
    endpoint: https://testloginserver.
Field Description Scheme Required
description string Yes
endpoint HTTP endpoint to monitor string Yes *
namespace kubernetes namespace to monitor string Yes *
thresholdMillis maximum duration in milliseconds for the HTTP request. It will fail the check if it takes longer. int Yes
responseCodes expected response codes for the HTTP Request. []int Yes
responseContent exact response content expected to be returned by the endpoint. string Yes
responseJSONContent path and value to parse json responses. path is a jsonpath string, value is the expected content at that path JSONCheck
maxSSLExpiry maximum number of days until the SSL Certificate expires. int Yes
method specify GET (default) or POST method for HTTP call string
body body of HTTP method string
headers array of key-value pairs to be passed as headers to the HTTP method. Specified in the same manner as pod environment variables but without the support for pod spec references []kommons.EnvVar
authentication username and password value, both of which are specified as []kommons.EnvVar, to be passed as authentication headers *Authentication
ntlm if true, will change authentication protocol bool
displayTemplate template to display server response in text (overrides default bar format for UI) string No

* One of either endpoint or namespace must be specified, but not both. Specify a namespace of "*" to crawl all namespaces.


The fields for displayTemplate (see Display Types) are :

  • .code: response code from the http server
  • .headers: response headers
  • .content: content from the http request

Helm - Build and push a helm chart

Field Description Scheme Required
description string Yes
chartmuseum string Yes
project string
auth username and password value, configMapKeyRef or SecretKeyRef for helm Object Yes
cafile *string

ICMP - Ping a destination and check for packet loss

This test will check ICMP packet loss and duration.

  - endpoints:
      - https://google.com
      - https://yahoo.com
    thresholdMillis: 400
    packetLossThreshold: 0.5
    packetCount: 2
Field Description Scheme Required
description string Yes
endpoint string Yes
thresholdMillis int64 Yes
packetLossThreshold int64 Yes
packetCount int Yes

LDAP - Query a ldap(s) server

The LDAP check will:

  • bind using provided user/password to the ldap host. Supports ldap/ldaps protocols.
  • search an object type in the provided bind DN.s
  - host: ldap://
        value: uid=admin,ou=system
        value: secret
    bindDN: ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
    userSearch: "(&(objectClass=organizationalPerson))"
  - host: ldap://
        value: uid=admin,ou=system
        value: secret
    bindDN: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
    userSearch: "(&(objectClass=groupOfNames))"
Field Description Scheme Required
description string Yes
host string Yes
auth username and password value, configMapKeyRef or SecretKeyRef for LDAP server Object Yes
bindDN string Yes
userSearch string Yes
skipTLSVerify bool Yes

Namespace - Create a new kubernetes namespace and pod

The namespace check will:

  • create a new namespace using the labels/annotations provided
  - namePrefix: "test-name-prefix-"
      team: test
      "foo.baz.com/foo": "bar"
Field Description Scheme Required
description string Yes
checkName string Yes
namespaceNamePrefix string Yes
namespaceLabels map[string]string Yes
namespaceAnnotations map[string]string Yes
podSpec string Yes
scheduleTimeout int64 Yes
readyTimeout int64 Yes
httpTimeout int64 Yes
deleteTimeout int64 Yes
ingressTimeout int64 Yes
httpRetryInterval int64 Yes
deadline int64 Yes
port int64 Yes
path string Yes
ingressName string Yes
ingressHost string Yes
expectedContent string Yes
expectedHttpStatuses []int64 Yes
priorityClass string Yes

Pod - Create a new pod and verify reachability

  - name: golang
    namespace: default
    spec: |
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Pod
        name: hello-world-golang
        namespace: default
          app: hello-world-golang
          - name: hello
            image: quay.io/toni0/hello-webserver-golang:latest
    port: 8080
    path: /foo/bar
    ingressName: hello-world-golang
    ingressHost: "hello-world-golang."
    scheduleTimeout: 2000
    readyTimeout: 5000
    httpTimeout: 2000
    deleteTimeout: 12000
    ingressTimeout: 5000
    deadline: 29000
    httpRetryInterval: 200
    expectedContent: bar
    expectedHttpStatuses: [200, 201, 202]
Field Description Scheme Required
description string Yes
name string Yes
namespace string Yes
spec string Yes
scheduleTimeout int64 Yes
readyTimeout int64 Yes
httpTimeout int64 Yes
deleteTimeout int64 Yes
ingressTimeout int64 Yes
httpRetryInterval int64 Yes
deadline int64 Yes
port int64 Yes
path string Yes
ingressName string Yes
ingressHost string Yes
expectedContent string Yes
expectedHttpStatuses []int Yes
priorityClass string Yes

Postgres - Query a Postgresql DB using SQL

This check will try to connect to a specified Postgresql database, run a query against it and verify the results.

  - connection: "user=postgres password=mysecretpassword host= port=15432 dbname=postgres sslmode=disable"
    query: "SELECT * from names"
    resultsFunction: '[[ if index .results 0 "surname" | eq "khandelwal" ]]true[[else]]false[[end]]'
    displayTemplate: '[[ index .results 0 ]]'
Field Description Scheme Required
description description for the test string No
connection connection string to connect to the server string Yes
query query that needs to be executed on the server string Yes
resultsFunction function that tests query output for pass/fail (must return boolean) string No
displayTemplate template to display query results in text (overrides default bar format for UI) string No


The fields for displayTemplate are:

  • .results: rows returned by the query

Mssql - Query a Mssql DB using SQL

This check will try to connect to a specified Mssql database, run a query against it and verify the results.

  - connection: 'server=localhost;user id=sa;password=S0m3S3curep@sswd;port=1433;database=master'
    description: 'The mssql test'
    query: "SELECT * from names"
    resultsFunction: '[[ if index .results 0 "surname" | eq "khandelwal" ]]true[[else]]false[[end]]'
    displayTemplate: '[[ index .results 0 ]]'
Field Description Scheme Required
description description for the test string No
connection connection string to connect to the server string Yes
query query that needs to be executed on the server string Yes
resultsFunction function that tests query output for pass/fail (must return boolean) string No
displayTemplate template to display query results in text (overrides default bar format for UI) string No


The fields for displayTemplate (see Display Types) are:

  • .results: rows returned by the query

Redis - Execute ping against redis instance

This check will execute ping against the specified redis instance and check its availability

  - addr: 'localhost:6379'
    description: 'The redis test'
    db: 0
Field Description Scheme Required
addr host:port address. string Yes
db database to be selected after connecting to the server. int Yes
description description for canary string No
auth username and password value, configMapKeyRef or SecretKeyRef for redis server Object No

S3 - Verify reachability and correctness of an S3 compatible store

This check will:

  • list objects in the bucket to check for Read permissions
  • PUT an object into the bucket for Write permissions
  • download previous uploaded object to check for Get permissions
  - buckets:
      - name: "test-bucket"
        region: "us-east-1"
        endpoint: "https://test-bucket.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
    secretKey: "<access-key>"
    accessKey: "<secret-key>"
    objectPath: "path/to/object"
Field Description Scheme Required
description string Yes
bucket Bucket Yes
accessKey string Yes
secretKey string Yes
objectPath string Yes
skipTLSVerify skip TLS verify when connecting to s3 bool Yes

Folder Check

Folder Check provides an abstraction over checker related to folder. Currently, used to perform the following checks:

Field Description Scheme Required
description string No
name name for the check string No
Icon custom icon to display on the UI string No
Test Template to test the result against Object No
Display Template to display the result in Object No
Path Path to the object, needs to be prefixed with the protocol. See example below string Yes
SMBConnection Object No
AWSConnection Object No
GCPConnection Object No
Filter Used to filter the objects Object No
FolderTest Parameters to test the folder against Object No

S3 Bucket - Query the contents of an S3 bucket for freshness

This check will:

  • search objects matching the provided object path pattern
  • check that latest object is no older than provided maxAge value in seconds
  • check that latest object size is not smaller than provided minSize value in bytes

For working with folder check, the bucket name needs to be prefixed with s3://

    # Check for any backup not older than 7 days and min size 25 bytes
    - path: s3://refactoringtest-tarun
              key: access-key
              name: aws
              key: secret-key
              name: aws
        region: "ap-south-1"
      maxAge: 7d
      maxSize: 25b

GCS Bucket - Query the contents of an GCS bucket for freshness

This check will:

  • search objects matching the provided object path pattern
  • check that latest object is no older than provided maxAge value in seconds
  • check that latest object size is not smaller than provided minSize value in bytes

For working with folder check, the bucket name needs to be prefixed with gcs://

   - description: gcs auth test
     path: gcs://somegcsbucket
           key: canary-checker-df017acc453c.json
           name: sa
     minAge: 1m
     maxAge: 5h
     minSize: 2M
     maxCount: 2
     minCount: 5

Smb - Verify Folder Freshness

This check connects to a samba server to check folder freshness. This check will:

  • verify most recently modified file fulfills the minAge and maxAge constraints (each an optional bound)
  • verify files present in the mount is more than minCount
  - server: smb://
          value: samba
              key: smb-password
              name: smb
      sharename: "Some Public Folder"
      searchPath: a/b/c
    minAge: 10h
    maxAge: 20h
    description: "Success SMB server"

Or with server in path format:

   - server: '\\\Some Public Folder\somedir'
          value: samba
          value: password
       sharename: "sharename" #will be overwritten by 'Some Public Folder'
       searchPath: a/b/c #will be overwritten by 'somedir'
     minAge: 10h
     maxAge: 100h
     description: "Success SMB server"

The user can define server in two formats:

  • host:, www.server.com
  • path: \\www.server.com\e$\a\b\c

For path format:

  • www.server.com is the host
  • e$ is the sharename (overrides sharename field)
  • a/b/c the sub-dir relative to mount representing the test root (overrides searchPath field)

Restic - Query the contents of a Restic repository for backup freshness and integrity

This check will:

  • query a Restic Repository for contents
  • check the integrity and consistency of repo and data-blobs
  • check bakup freshness
    - repository: s3:http://minio.infra/restic-repo
        value: S0M3p@sswd
      maxAge: 5h30m
      checkIntegrity: true
        value: some-access-key
        value: some-secret-key
      description: The restic test
Field Description Scheme Required
reposiory the location of your restic repository string Yes
password password value or valueFrom configMapKeyRef or SecretKeyRef to access your restic repository string Yes
maxAge the max age for backup allowed..eg: 5h30m string Yes
accessKey access key value or valueFrom configMapKeyRef or SecretKeyRef to access your s3/minio bucket string No
secretkey secret key value or valueFrom configMapKeyRef or SecretKeyRef to access your s3/minio bucket string No
description the description about the canary string Yes
checkIntegrity whether to check integrity for the specified repo bool No
caCert path to ca-root crt in case of self-signed certificates is used string No

Jmeter - Run the supplied JMX test plan against the specified host

This check will execute the jmeter cli to execute the JMX test plan on the specified host.

Note: JMeter is a memory hungry Java application and you will likely need to increase the default memory limit from 512Mi to 1-2Gi or higher depending on the complexity, count, and frequency of jmeter tests

    - jmx:
        name: jmx-test-plan
             key: jmeter-test.xml
             name: jmeter
      host: "some-host"
      port: 8080
        - remote_hosts=
        - user.dir=/home/mstover/jmeter_stuff
      description: "The Jmeter test"   
Field Description Scheme Required
jmx configmap or Secret reference to get the JMX test plan Object Yes
host the server against which test plan needs to be executed String No
port the port on which the server is running Int No
properties defines the local Jmeter properties []String No
systemProperties defines the java system property []String No
description the description of the canary String Yes
responseDuration the duration under which all the test should pass String No

SSL - Verify the expiry date of a SSL cert

Field Description Scheme Required
description string Yes
endpoint HTTP endpoint to crawl string Yes
maxSSLExpiry maximum number of days until the SSL Certificate expires. int Yes

Exec - Execute commands or script on the host

Field Description Scheme Required
script Inline commands or Absolute path to the script that needs to be executed Yes
description description for the check string No
display format on how the result is going to be displayed on the console Template No
test test against which result needs to be verified Template No


Field Description Scheme Required
description string Yes
endpoint string Yes
thresholdMillis int64 Yes


The check occurs on the specified container's completion and parses any junit test reports in the container (at the testResults path):

  - testResults: "/tmp/junit-results/"
    description: "junit demo test"
    displayTemplate: 'Passed: [[.passed]]; Failed: [[.failed]]; Skipped: [[.skipped]]; Error: [[.error]]'
        - name: jes
          image: docker.io/tarun18/junit-test-pass
          command: ["/start.sh"]
Field Description Scheme Required
testResults directory where the results will be published string Yes
description description about the test string No
spec pod specification corev1.PodSpec Yes
displayTemplate template to display testResults results in text (default: Passed: [[.passed]], Failed: [[.failed]]) string No

Note: For this corev1.PodSpec implementation, only containers field is required.


The fields for displayTemplate (see Display Types) are:

  • .passed: number of tests passed
  • .failed: number of tests failed
  • .skipped: number of tests skipped
  • .error: number of tests errored


The fields for displayTemplate (see Display Types) are:

  • .age: age of most recently modified file
  • .count: number of files present in the mount

Display Types

Most checks display a bar/historgram on the UI. Some checks display text data. Some depend on the fields specified in the check.


Where display is text, the displayTemplate field allows a user to configure the output format. The displayTemplate field accepts a template with delimiter [[ ]] and supports all the functions of gomplate.

Checks that currently have support for displayTemplate are:

Guide for Developers

This guide provides a step-by-step process for creating your local setup with the canary-checker: dev Guide.