
Python tools to get and analyze the Thailand Tokamak 1 (TT1) machine

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Python package to get and analyze the time series data of the Thailand Tokamak 1 (TT1).

Thailand Tokamak-1 (or TT-1) is a small research tokamak operated by the Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology in Nakhon Nayok province, Thailand.

Accessing Data

The data must be stored locally, inside the data/ directory, with one directory per pulse number. Directory names should be the pulse number.

This package provides a base class TT1Pulse which extracts some or all the data from a given pulse number, and additionnaly perform some post-processing operations on signals.

from TT1.pulse import TT1Pulse

pulse = TT1Pulse(2466, read_all=True)
# if read_all=False (default), only some of the signals are read (much faster). If True, *all* the signal files found in the directory are read (slower).

The TT1Pulse object allows to easily get the time series of the signals, via a pandas DataFrame: pulse.df:

# one-line plotting
pulse.df.plot(y='IP2 [A]')


The list of all the read signals for a pulse can be find in pulse.df.columns.