
My old FLAC to MP3 script

Primary LanguageShellThe UnlicenseUnlicense

flac2mp3 - FLAC to MP3 converter

James A. Hillyerd
Release: 1.2


flac2mp3 is a tool to convert potentially large sets of FLAC audio files into the MP3 audio format. It is implemented as a bash shell script, and should run on any Unix-like operating system.

I wrote flac2mp3 because I am archiving my entire CD collection to FLAC, and would like an easy way to have a mirror image in MP3 format.

Change Log


  • Original Release


  • Fix encode failed detection bug.
  • If encoding fails, try encoding without specifying a genre.


  • Properly handle lower-case FLAC metadata tag field names.


  • Use metaflac --export-tags-to, --export-vc--to is deprecated. (Thanks Daniel)
  • Check for and source .flac2mp3.conf in user's home directory. (Thanks Webograph)
  • Added ebuild for Gentoo. (Thanks Webograph)


  • Add year to ID3 tag - oops. (Thanks Alain)
  • Use file locking to allow more than one instance of flac2mp3 to run in parallel the same time for multi-CPU machines. (Thanks Jeramey)
  • Optionally copy artwork (*.jpg) to MP3 target directory.


  • Output MP3s to current directory if no output dir specified (Thanks Eric)
  • Create output directory if it doesn't already exist
  • Fix bash segfault when you have too many FLACs (Thanks Richard)


You will need to have the following applications installed:

Bash Shell -- Almost every Linux distribution includes this

Unix utilities -- Utilities included in every copy of unix since the dawn of time, including 'find', 'sed' and 'sort'.

FLAC tools -- Available on the FLAC website: http://flac.sourceforge.net

Lame -- Included in many Linux distros, also available on the LAME website: http://lame.sourceforge.net


There is a configuration section at the top of the flac2mp3 script.
Alternately you may place your configuration into $HOME/.flac2mp3.conf.

You will probably want to adjust the LAME_OPTS to your liking. (See output of lame --longhelp for details) You may also need to set the paths to flac, metaflac and lame if flac2mp3 cannot find them on it's own.


flac2mp3 is very easy to use:

flac2mp3 <flac-input-dir> <mp3-output-dir>


flac2mp3 is public domain. If you can figure out how to make money off it, please feel free to do so!


Please see the GitHub website for updates.