
Decentralized Library + Educational Crowdfunding

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Digital Libraries are vulnerable to shutdown.

Z Library, Ron DeSantis, etc. Libraries only have limited copies of audiobooks and limited resources. There's no way to actually own books, and Amazon & other companies have taken over with unfair subscription models. There's no way to onboard the next 100,000 users in Web3 with strictly video games, NFTs, and consumer products. We created an individual ERP Platform curated to help onboard mass adoption by 74% by creating value in a with books and rich resources available online, in a decentralized manner

Mental Wealth Academy is the academic knowledge layer of the project and utilizes a focus on connecting resources and a rich ecosystem while building a community of DAO consensus players to participate.

Mental Wealth Academy is a full-scale full-circle ERP educational platform.

What It Does & How We Built It

  • Utilizes DAO Technology on Polygon Amoy, Cardona, Avalanche Fuji C-chain, Scroll:

    • DAO technology ensures that resources are regulated and decentralized.
    • Community members vote on resource additions and manage the platform’s evolution.
  • Complex Smart Contracts:

    • Smart contracts are used to store and update the library's directory.
    • Implements Chainlink VRF for random selection processes and Chainlink Automation for scheduled governance actions.
  • IPFS and Piñata for Data Permanence:

    • IPFS and Piñata ensure the longevity of resources and documents, providing data permanence.
  • Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP):

    • Chainlink CCIP is used for NFT book data, enhancing cross-chain communication and asset transfers.
  • Chainlink Functions:

    • Chainlink Functions are used for on-demand resource verification and off-chain data interactions.
  • Comprehensive Learning Ecosystem:

    • Users connect, providing massive learning opportunities for all.
    • The marketplace and ecosystem for books and authorship promote reading and writing comprehension.
    • Values intellectuals and academics, ensuring Crypto and NFTs become digestible for college students.

LibraryManagement.sol Handles the addition, verification, and storage of educational resources using IPFS and DAO governance.

DAOGovernance.sol Manages the voting process and governance actions using Chainlink VRF and Automation.

TreasuryManagement.sol Manages the DAO's funds, integrating Chainlink Data Feeds and Functions for financial transactions.

Deployed Contracts



DAOGovernance Deployment on Supported Networks-

Polygon Amoy: https://www.oklink.com/amoy/address/0xd2859d40fa8de914e1ca231c6346b83d90c5a55f/contract

  • LINK Token: 0x0fd9e8d3af1aaee056eb9e802c3a762a667b1904
  • VRF Coordinator: 0x7E10652Cb79Ba97bC1D0F38a1e8FaD8464a8a908
  • 500 gwei Key Hash: 0x3f631d5ec60a0ce16203bcd6aff7ffbc423e22e452786288e172d467354304c8

Avalanche Fuji C-Chain: https://testnet.snowtrace.io/address/0xb7EB24d08cB94Eb70E2cA87b4A1B17a490a31b61

  • LINK Token: 0x0b9d5D9136855f6FEc3c0993feE6E9CE8a297846
  • VRF Coordinator: 0x2eD832Ba664535e5886b75D64C46EB9a228C2610
  • 300 gwei Key Hash: 0x354d2f95da55398f44b7cff77da56283d9c6c829a4bdf1bbcaf2ad6a4d081f61


Built with:

  • Polygon Amoy
  • Polygon Cardona
  • Avalanche Fuji C-Chain
  • Scroll
  • Chainlink Automation
  • Chainlink VRF
  • Chainlink CCIP
  • Chainlink Data Feeds
  • Chainlink Functions
  • IPFS
  • Javascript
  • Reactjs
  • Scss
  • Solidity

Challenges & Accomplishments

  • Timezone Issues:

    • Communication across different timezones was initially challenging and frustrating.
    • Once optimal communication times were established, collaboration became smoother.
  • Collaboration and Design:

    • After overcoming initial hurdles, the team effectively communicated with partners to build individual pieces.
    • Despite limited time and resources, the team completed the project, showcasing dedication and resilience.
    • We gained extensive knowledge of Chainlink's VRF, Automation, Functions, Data Feeds, CCIP, Polygon, Avalanche, and Scroll.
    • Understanding the complexities of cross-chain transactions to enable easy book purchases and library card acquisitions was a valuable learning experience.
    • Developing a seamless user experience was a significant achievement.

What's Next for Mental Wealth Academy

  • Continued Development:
    • Continue to build and provide services for communities at scale by onboarding and curating our digital ecosystem to meet the exact needs of our community.
    • Apply for grants to further develop and expand the platform.
    • Deploy Mental Wealth Academy (MWA) on the mainnet for real-world use.
    • Conduct extensive user testing to refine the platform.
    • Launch Android and iOS applications for MWA.
    • Enhance the AI capabilities used for generating NFT profiles to provide even more personalized and engaging user experiences.
    • Implement gasless transactions using platforms like Biconomy or Moonbeam to enhance user convenience.
    • Support 50+ new tokens and 20+ new chains within the next few months after the end of the hackathon.

By aligning Mental Wealth Academy with the hackathon tracks and integrating multiple Chainlink services, we have created a robust and innovative project.