base on weibo2, by francis
A Ruby wrapper for SA wrapper for '' OAuth2 API.It is based on {OAuth2 gem}[], thanks for his hard-working.I have wrapped most of the APIs sina defined.Note that all of the privilege APIs haven't been tested yet, since I don't get the authorization to use it.
gem install open_weixin
Config your api_key
, api_secret
and redrect_uri
somewhere like development.rb.
OpenWeixin::Config.api_key = "1234567890"
OpenWeixin::Config.api_secret = "somethinglooksstrageandhardtoremember"
OpenWeixin::Config.redirect_uri = ""
Ok, now you are ready to enjoy it. OpenWeixin has provided several ways to get your access token, and you can easily get it using OpenWeixin.
- The Authorization Code strategy with response_type set to code
# get authorize_url
client =
# => ""
# get token using authorization_code
# OpenWeixin::Client.from_code is a shortcut for client.auth_code.get_token("authorization_code_value")
client = OpenWeixin::Client.from_code("authorization_code_value")
- The Authorization Code strategy with response_type set to token
# get authorize_url with response_type set to token
client =
client.auth_code.authorize_url(:response_type => "token")
# => ""
# get token from callback hash like this /callback#access_token=6874dd3766b35536abcb76a9e3a57867&expires_in=86400
client = OpenWeixin::Client.from_hash(:access_token => "6874dd3766b35536abcb76a9e3a57867", :expires_in => 86400)
- Refresh your token
Note that you could refresh your token only when you can get the refresh_token.
You can check if you are authorized by
# => true
- fetch userinfo
client = OpenWeixin::Client.from_hash(:access_token => "ACCESS_TOKEN", :expires_in => 7200)
You can find them in /lib/OpenWeixin/interface/.Note that all methods follow the patten of
{resource}.{the_rest_path_joined_by_underline}(required_params, opts={})
So {/statuses/hot/comments_weekly}[] will turn to
Copyright (c) 2011 Francis Jiang. See LICENSE for details.