
Start your stunning SPA (single page webapplication) right now with nuxt and bulma (feat.buefy)!

Primary LanguageVue


Start your stunning SPA (single page webapplication) right now with nuxt and bulma (feat.buefy)!

What's the diffrence?

It is not just about nuxt and bulma. You can start with adaptive layout, some useful components and plugins that would be used in most website senarios.

Apdative Layout

  • Navigation bar with a toggling feature.
  • A main.scss file to customize bulma variables.

Embedded components

  • loginForm (TODO) : Social Login?
  • SignupForm (TODO)
  • DescSection (TODO) : title-and-image-left, title-subtitle-and-image-right
  • DiagonalSectionDivider (TODO) : left-top-to-right-bottom, right-top-to-left-bottom
  • SponsorSection (TODO)
  • TeamMemberSection (TODO)

Embedded plugins

  • Google Analytics (TODO)
  • firebase (?)

How to start?

# 1. install dependencies
$ npm install # or use `npm ci` to download exact version in package-lock.json

# 2. serve with hot reload at localhost:3333
$ npm run dev

# 3. build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm start

# generate static project
$ npm run generate

How to customize?

Before you customize this template, basic understaning of nuxt is required. Then you will know which file you have to change to fulfill your intentions.