
Unity for ML-Agents

Primary LanguageC#


Unity for ML-Agents


Testing tutorial ML-agents to earn reward for getting into the goal

Purple floor represents cube reaches to the wall, Reward(-1)

Green floor reperesent cubse reaches to the goal, Reward(+1)

Honeycam 2023-04-05 21-58-35


After ML is done, use the NN model to see the result.

Honeycam 2023-04-05 21-56-25

Further Testing with Random Position

Above tutorial cannot cover the case when the goal is at different position. In this case, I will ML the cube to reach to the goal that is not in same position in every episode.

Honeycam 2023-04-05 22-58-41


Now, eventhoug the goal position is different everytime, we can see the cube is moving toward the goal.

Honeycam 2023-04-05 23-03-02