Categorization and Summarization of Transcript API

This is a simple API that categorizes and summarizes a given text. The API is built using Flask. Both the categorization and summarization models done using the Llama-3 models.

The model is here


Install the required packages using the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt

At the moment, this is run on a 4090 GPU. It can be run on a weaker GPU, though you may have to use less precision for the model.

Get the model from the Hugging Face model hub here. You will have to give meta your email to get access to the model.

Be sure to include your huggingface API key

Running the API

To run the API, use the following command: python

The API will be running on http://localhost:5002 by default.

Sample request for categorization

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"question":"What is the square root of 5?"}' http://localhost:5002/categorize

Note: This does better if you include more context (previous sentences) in the question. For example, "Okay, we have learned about the Pythagorean theorem. What is the square root of 5?"

Sample response for categorization

{"response":1} (signifying this is a level 1 question, according to Costa's levels of questioning)

Sample request for summarization

curl localhost:5002/summarize -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text":"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."}'

Sample response for summarization

{"response":"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. This is 'a classroom transcript,' where I am to sum up what the teachers are teaching."}


curl localhost:5002/healthcheck


{"status": "ok"}

Tips for prompting

  • Use more context in the question for better categorization.
  • To remove the 'chattiness' of the model, specify "respond only as shown, with no explanatory text" in the system prompt.
  • ALWAYS provice an example, ie, one-shot in-context learning.