Shark and Fish Simulation


This program simulates a grid of fish and sharks. The fish and sharks move around the grid and breed and die based on certain rules. The program reads in a configuration file and a grid file and simulates the grid for a certain number of generations. The program can also be run in verbose mode to see the grid at each generation.


For OpenMP version:


./simulation [-v]

  • config: The configuration file that contains the parameters for the simulation
  • -v: Optional flag to run the simulation in verbose mode (will output the grid at each generation to stdout and to a file) Example: ./simulation config.txt -v

For MPI version:

make mpi

mpiexec -np <num_processes> ./mpi_simulation <config> [-v] OR ./ <num_processes> <config> [-v]


make clean

(This will remove both the OpenMP and MPI executables and object files)

Example Config File

8 # Grid size
2 # Shark Breed Age
1 # Shark Starve Generations
12 # Shark Max Age
4 # Fish Breed Age
8 # Fish Max Age
2 # Number of Generations to simulate
10 # number of fish to start with
10 # number of sharks to start with
1 # Current direction (0-6)
1 # Current strength (0-100)


  • This doesn't support much higher than a 100x100 grid due to the memory constraints of the stack (segmentation fault)

  • The program will output the grid at each generation to a file called output.txt if the verbose flag is used