
how we built a RAG-based chatbot application for our confluence wiki system

Primary LanguagePython

Wiki RAG ...

... or how we built a chatbot for our confluence wiki system.


The system follows the basic RAG (retrival augmented generation) approach to let users query information from an atlassian confluence wiki system using a LLM. The implementation is based on LangChain, Ollama, Qdrant, and (obviously) Docker. We used FastAPI for seeting up interfaces and Streamlit to build a small GUI.

Currently, the system architecture looks like follows:

System architecture

The embedder module may be run sporadically to access the wiki's content, split it into chunks, embedde these chunks using an embedding model, and store chunks and cooresponding embeddings in a Qdrant vector store.

The chatter retrives similar chunks of text from the store for a given query (question) and gives these chunks, togehter with the question, and some more context, to Ollama, which then generates an answer. These functions are offerred via REST API.

The frontend simply offers a streamlit-built GUI for the user, which looks like this:

Sneak peak)


Indexing with the embedder module

  1. If not already running, start qdrant using docker run -p 6333:6333 -p 6334:6334 -v $(pwd)/qdrant_storage:/qdrant/storage:z qdrant/qdrant .

  2. Run the code in embedder/src/main.py to load the wiki, index it, and add the collection to qdrant. This may be done using VS Code's devcontainers tool, see also embedder/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json.

Query and answer with the chatter module

  1. the chatter requires a running ollama docker container, start it via docker run -d --gpus=all -v ollama:/root/.ollama -p 11434:11434 --name ollama ollama/ollama and run mistral (or any other model) via docker exec -it ollama ollama run mistral. Note, that it may be necessary to include the --privileged flag.

  2. Run the container in chatter to retrive matching documents from a collection in the qdrant store and hand it to the LLM, either via devcontainers or by building the image via (while in dir chatter) docker build -t wikibot/chatter:0.1.0 . and then running it via docker run -d --gpus=all --privileged -p 8000:8000 wikibot/chatter:0.1.0 fastapi dev /app/src/main.py --host --port 8000. If you ran it in devcontainers, start the server via fastapi, using fastapi dev src/main.py --host --port 8000 This API offers two methods accessible via{question} or ...8000/answers/{question}. They retrun a str containing the top-k matches and their similarity score or an answer from the LLM, respectively.

Host the user frontend with the frontend module

Start the frontend like done with the chatter, either as a devcontainer or first building it via docker build -t wikibot/frontend:0.1.0 . and then (making sure you are in the desired directory, because of the volume mounting) running it via docker run -d -p 8501:8501 -v $(pwd)/feedback:/app/feedback wikibot/frontend:0.1.0 streamlit run /app/src/main.py.

Notes and further improvement potentials

Improving the retrival process and the prompt


  • Move variables like IP addresses etc. to a shared config
  • Use runner to automatically create embeddings