

Kabinet is a GraphQL API that allows you to visualize containers that are running connected container backend (actings as a standard Arkitekt App). It is designed to be used with Arkitekt Apps that are running in these containers, but can be used for any containerized application

This is a highly developmental service, that aims to replace Port in the Arkitekt Next Deployment. It is not yet ready for production.


Most likely you will use a client library to interact with Kabinet, but you can also use the GraphQL API directly. THe API is build along the following concepts:

Repo: Repos are a collection of Versioned Releases of Apps that may exist in multiple versions. Repos provide ways of finding and maintaining (updating) Apps.

App: An App is Piece of Software that implements a certain functionality. Think: "Napari", "Fiji", "Stardist"

Release: A Release is a specific version of an App. Releases represent the functionality of an App at a certain point in time. Arkitekt Apps are always released with a version number that follows the Semantic Versioning standard. Think: "Napari 0.4.10", "Fiji 1.53c", "Stardist 0.1.0"

Flavour: A Flavour is a specific configuration of an App. Flavours are used to provide different configurations of Apps, where the core functionality is the same, but the configuration is different. Think: "Napari 0.4.10 on Python 3.8", "Fiji 1.53c with OpenJDK 11", "Stardist 0.1.0 with CUDA 10.2" or "Stardist 0.1.0 on the CPU"

Deployment: A Setup is the "Intent" to run a certain Release of an App (e.g. "Napari 0.4.10"), with specific access rights and identified by a user. Thinks: "Napari 0.4.10 on Python 3.8 authorized as John Doe and able to access all his files", on a specific backend.

Pod: A Pod is a running instance of a Setup. Pods are the actual running containers that provide the functionality of an App. They are the only model that is actively maintained by the Backend. Pods are identified by a container specific ID and are always associated with a Setup.