
PHP Odoo Json-RPC connector, prepared for laravel integration

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Access Odoo via JsonRPC

Connect to odoo via the json-rpc api. If you are in a laravel project, this package registers a provider. But laravel is not required for this package.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require obuchmann/odoo-jsonrpc

The service provider will automatically register itself if you are in a laravel project.

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Obuchmann\OdooJsonRpc\OdooServiceProvider" --tag="config"


Laravel Usage

class Controller{

    public function index(\Obuchmann\OdooJsonRpc\Odoo $odoo){
        // Find Model by Id
        $product = $odoo->find('product.template', 1);
        // Update Model by ID
        $this->odoo->updateById('product.product', $product->id, [
            'name' => $name,
        // Create returning ID
        $id = $this->odoo
            ->create('res.partner', [
                'name' => 'Bobby Brown'
        // Search for Models with or
        $partners = $this->odoo->model('res.partner')
            ->where('name', '=', 'Bobby Brown')
            ->orWhere('name', '=', 'Gregor Green')
            ->orderBy('id', 'desc')
        // Update by Query
        $updateResponse = $this->odoo
            ->where('name', '=', 'Bobby Brown')
                'name' => 'Dagobert Duck'

Laravel Models

Laravel Models are implemented with Attributes

class Partner extends OdooModel
    public string $name;

    public ?string $email;

class Controller{

    public function index(){
        // Find Model by Id
        $partner = Partner::find(1);
        // Search Model
        $partner = Partner::query()
            ->where('name', '=', 'Azure Interior')
        // Update Model
        $partner->name = "Dagobert Duck";
        // Create returning ID
        $partner = new Partner();
        $partner->name = 'Tester';

For more examples take a look at the tests directory.


composer test