
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ADC Pipeline

There are a lot of different steps involved in data science projects. For example: fixing data quality issues, feature engineering, parameter tuning and reporting your results. Although these steps are often approximately the same, the exact approach per step isn't. The data and the goal of the project determine the way you manipulate your data and what model you need. In turn, your model choice determines what kind of parameter tuning you need to do and how you are going to present your results. In other words, there are a lot of data-science-paths to walk. The more you program, the more you might get drowned in an ever increasing amount of if-statements, giving the feeling that you lose grip on the structure in your project. This package aims to solve that problem, by offering a more structured way of working.


You can install with pip:

pip install adcpipeline

Basic principles

To structure your project, you need to follow three steps:

  1. Build your own Pipeline class.
  2. Loading your (run) configuration.
  3. Running the pipeline.

Below, each step will be explained.

1. Build your own Pipeline class

From the adcpipeline package import the PipelineBase class:

from adcpipeline import PipelineBase

And build your own Pipeline class by inheriting from PipelineBase:

class Pipeline(PipelineBase):

This doesn't do anything yet, so let's add a few steps in our Pipeline. We do this by adding methods we want to execute when we run the Pipeline. The example below adds three methods to this specific Pipeline:

class Pipeline(PipelineBase):
    def print_text_from_argument(self, text='asfd'):

    def print_predefined_text(self):
        print('Predefined text')

    def n_times_squared(self, value: int, n: int):
        result = value
        for i in range(0, n):
            result = result ** 2
        print(f'Squaring the number {value} for {n} times in a row gives = {result}')

2. Loading your (run) configuration.

When we want to instantiate the Pipeline, we need to pass the data as an argument (df) and we need to pass our run configuration as an argument (method_settings):

p = Pipeline(df=data, method_settings=method_settings)

The variable data can be any data, as long as it is a Pandas DataFrame. The method_settings variable is a list containing dictionaries, which define (in order) how all the methods are going to be executed once our Pipeline runs. Each dictionary contains the method (name) that needs to be called. The values are a dictionary of arguments (names) with their corresponding argument value that is going to be passed to the method. An example will make things clear:

method_settings = [
    {'print_text_from_argument': {'text': 'This is the text passed to the method'}},
    {'print_text_from_argument': {'text': 1}},
    {'print_predefined_text': None},
    {'n_times_squared': {'value': 2, 'n': 2}},
    {'print_text_from_argument': {'text': 'Same method is called again, but later in the pipeline'}}

Here we see that the method print_text_from_argument is called two times with a text argument. This text argument is different each time. After that the other two methods are called and lastly, print_text_from_argument is called one last time.

The method_settings as defined in the example above takes up a lot of lines and every time we make an additional method_settings, we get more lines of code. It is therefore recommended to load the method_settings from a configuration file instead. You can define your pipeline settings in a .yaml file and let the pipeline class load this file:

p = Pipeline.from_yaml_file(df=data, path=f'{root_dir}/configs/<YOUR_METHOD_SETTINGS>.yaml')

The .yaml file would then look like this:

  - print_text_from_argument: {text: 'This is the text passed to the method'}
  - print_text_from_argument: {text: 1}
  - print_predefined_text:
  - n_times_squared: {value: 2, n: 2}
  - print_text_from_argument: {text: 'Same method is called again, but later in the pipeline'}

3. Running the pipeline.

With method_settings defined in step 2, we can now run our Pipeline:


And that's it! By making multiple method_settings we can define several ways to run our Pipeline, without altering any of our code or writing any if statement. For example, during exploratory data analysis, it might be nice to try different things without constantly changing our code. We could then do something along the following lines:

p1 = Pipeline.from_yaml_file(df=data, path=f'{root_dir}/configs/<YOUR_METHOD_SETTINGS_1>.yaml')
p2 = Pipeline.from_yaml_file(df=data, path=f'{root_dir}/configs/<YOUR_METHOD_SETTINGS_2>.yaml')
p3 = Pipeline.from_yaml_file(df=data, path=f'{root_dir}/configs/<YOUR_METHOD_SETTINGS_3>.yaml')


Where each YOUR_METHOD_SETTINGS_<N>.yaml defines the method_settings per Pipeline. Alternatively the pipeline ships with a run_or_load() method, which can save and load the result of a pipeline from a .pkl file. This can be useful if you did not change the content of the pipeline, but need to rerun your script.

method_settings = [
    {'print_text_from_argument': {'text': 'This is the text passed to the method'}},
    {'print_text_from_argument': {'text': 1}},
    {'print_predefined_text': None},
    {'n_times_squared': {'value': 2, 'n': 2}},
    {'print_text_from_argument': {'text': 'Same method is called again, but later in the pipeline'}}
p = Pipeline(df=data, method_settings=method_settings, filename='my_pipeline')
p.run()  # Executes the pipeline, saves the results in cache/my_pipeline.pkl
# Some other code
p.run_or_load()  # Does not execute the pipeline but loads the content of cache/my_pipeline.pkl
# Loads the result of the first function from a pkl file and executes the remaining 4 functions

Advanced usage

  • The method_settings dictionary is converted to actual methods with their corresponding arguments. These are saved as lambda's in the property method_list, which are called in order by the run method. You can call the methods from this list directly if you want.
  • The PipelineBase class contains several magic methods, so that it can be used as a list. For instance, p[0] will return the first item in the method_settings property. For more info, see the magic methods in the PipelineBase class.
  • If you have (mostly) the same data manipulations for each Pipeline, you can probably use just a single class as described above. However, if this class becomes extremly large and large portions of the code are evident to be only applicable to certain types of pipelines, you might consider multiple inheritance. For example, you might have completely different methods in your Pipeline for classification models and regression models. So you might build a Pipeline class as above, but make two extra classes - PipelineClassification and PipelineRegression - that inherit from your Pipeline class. Another example is that you maybe have timeseries and non-timeseries data. Here, too, you might consider using multiple inheritance if that seems logical.

Other code

There is some other code in this repository used directly by PipelineBase or that might be useful to you. To name a few: there is a DatabaseConnection class which is a small wrapper around sqlalchemy and there is a method to load loggers. This is not explicitly explained in the README, but can be used.