
API helper functions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rapidfacture API

Express Middleware with plugin system that reduces bad code practices

  • shortens code
  • prevent forgotten error handling
  • uniform error messages
  • linearize asynchron code



To install the module:

npm install rf-api

// prepare backend
var config = require('rf-config').init(__dirname); // config
var mongooseMulti = require('mongoose-multi'); // databases
var db = mongooseMulti.start(config.db.urls, config.paths.schemas);
var http = require('rf-http').start({ // webserver
   pathsWebserver: config.paths.webserver,
   port: config.port

// prepare api
var API = require('rf-api').start({app: http.app}); // needs express app

db.global.mongooseConnection.once('open', function () {
   // optional: start access control; has to be done before starting the websocket
      API: API,
      db: db,
      app: http.app,
      sessionSecret: dbSettings.sessionSecret.value

 // start requests
 API.startApiFiles(config.paths.apis, function (startApi) {
    startApi(db, API, services);

## Usage

* there are no url parameters used; the correspondig `http Factory` transfers a json objects to the API methods; this obj should include everything
* name your request properly

// for read only stuff
API.get('funcName', function(req, res) {
    // code to process the request here
// for stuff with write access
API.post('funcName', function(req, res) {
    // code to process the request here


convert obj structure of original express request

  session            // extracted from rf-acl
  token              // extracted from rf-acl
  user               // extracted from rf-acl
  rights             // extracted from rf-acl
  data               // data from client
  originalRequest    // express req


Middleware for express response; adds error handling. The original express respones is also passed as res.originalResponse


default response function; adds error handling

Example: Simple

res.send(err, data);

Example: respond from db with error handling

db.user.groups  // send all groups back to client

Example: using the callback function


function createDocs(){
  createDoc(function (err, doc){
    res.send(err, docs, processDocs);

function processDocs(){
  res.send(err, docs);
 // linearize asynchron code with the successFunction. instead of:
 //   execute function A
 //     then execute function B
 //        afterwards execute function C
 //           afterwards execute function D
 // the code is linearized:
 // execute function A
 // function A
 //    then execute function B
 // function B
 //     then execute function C
 // function C
 //   then execute function D
 // advantages: better readabilty, automatic error names for each function


Send back error with specific error code

// status 500; standard error; if error isn't handeled
res.errorBadRequest("Missing id")
// status 400; missing or wrong parameters
// status 401; not autorized for route
res.errorAccessDenied("You need be admin")
// status 403; request not allowed for user
res.errorNotFound("No user found")
// status 404; not found or not available
res.errorAlreadyExists("User exists")
// status 409
res.errorNoLongerExists("User is gone")
// status 410; tried to save an entry wich was removed?


provide plugged in functions from other rf-api-* modules

Register functions

Example: register functions from other server modules

var Services = API.Services.Services;
function createPdf(url, callback){
  createdPdfDoc(url, function(err, pdf){
      // callback always has the parameters mongoose like: err, docs
      callback(err, pdf)


Install the dev tools with

Then you can runs some test cases and eslint with:

npm test

Generate Docs:

npm run-script doc

To Do

  • testing

Legal Issues

  • License: MIT
  • Author: Rapidfacture GmbH